发表SCI收录论文207篇,总影响因子1542,WoS被引用5000余次,H指数40。热点论文2篇,高被引论文5篇,Nature Index(自然指数)收录论文25篇,中科院I区论文107篇,包括Nature Protocols (IF=13.1) 1篇、ISME Journal (IF=10.8) 2篇、Water Research (IF=11.4) 7篇、Environmental Science & Technology (IF=10.8) 12篇、Engineering (IF=10.1) 3篇、 Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF=12.2) 29篇、Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (IF=11.4) 2篇、Environment International (IF=10.3) 6篇、Analytical Chemistry (IF=6.7) 4篇、Science of the Total Environment (IF=8.2) 17篇、Environmental Pollution (IF=7.6) 16篇等。国际/国家发明专利9项,实用新型6项,软件著作权6项,专著章节2篇。
2002.9 -- 2009.1 清华大学 环境科学与工程 博士研究生毕业 博士
1998.9 -- 2002.8 清华大学 环境科学与工程 本科毕业 学士
2022.5 -- 至今 吉林大学 新能源与环境学院 教授
2018.5 -- 2022.4 清华大学 环境学院 副研究员
2013.7 -- 2017.12 英国兰卡斯特大学 环境中心 讲师
2009.1 -- 2013.6 英国谢菲尔德大学 结构与市政工程系 博士后
2022.12 -- 至今 中国环境科学学会污染源排放与管控专业委员会常任委员
2022.10 -- 至今 中国环境科学学会土壤与地下水环境专业委员会委员
2020.4 -- 至今 中国城市科学研究会水环境与水生态分会委员
[1] 2023年吉林大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目,污水处理厂耐药微生物筛选与耐药机制研究,S202310183502,王旭,李伟豪,朱森淼,向佳成,省级优秀。
[2] 2024年吉林大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目,环境老化微塑料与砷联合暴露对小球藻的毒性效应与机制研究,沈天宇,任学志,张丽娜,马玎娜,国家级,在研。
[3] 2024年吉林大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目,环境老化作用驱动下典型塑料制品的毒性效应,刘怡存,李浩维,李晰为,信昕,省级,在研。
[1] 2023年第五届全国大学生市政环境类创新实践能力大赛,高野萍,傅怡方,张洋,东北赛区化验赛三等奖,优秀指导教师。高野萍,东北赛区虚拟仿真赛二等奖;张洋,东北赛区虚拟仿真赛三等奖。
[2] 2023年全国大学生生命科学竞赛(科学探究类),大气细颗粒物黑炭组分诱导人肺上皮细胞凋亡和呼吸系统疾病的机制研究,高野萍,张林,张一鸣,国家级三等奖,吉林赛区二等奖。
[3] 2023年全国大学生生命科学竞赛(科学探究类),微塑料与四环素对斑马鱼的协同毒性效应研究,邵楠,李珍珍,刘翰隆,国家级三等奖,吉林赛区二等奖。
[4] 2023年全国大学生生命科学竞赛(科学探究类),污水中耐药性微生物精准甄别与演化机制研究,王旭,李伟豪,国家级三等奖,吉林赛区一等奖。
[5] 2023年全国大学生生命科学竞赛(科学探究类),土壤微界面抗生素抗性基因转移机制与影响因素研究,吕思瑶,李晰为,信昕,刘云飞,傅志雄。
[6] 2024年全国大学生生命科学竞赛(创新创业类),环境病原体在线快速检测设备,任学志,张泽鑫,代云松,张爽,延依静,国家级三等奖,吉林赛区二等奖。
[7] 2024年第十四届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛,畅溪智水—便携式水中重金属原位在线检测仪,周加翊,胡尊淇,马辰,贾贺菲,康家铭,吴晟弘,许董然,刘健豪,路璐,吴雅淇,校赛银牌。
[8] 2024年第十九届全国环境友好科技竞赛,环境病原体在线快速检测设备,任学志,张泽鑫,代云松,张爽。
[9] 2024年中国国际大学生创新大赛,环境病原体在线快速检测设备,任学志,张泽鑫,代云松,张爽,孙喆。
1、国家高层次人才, 2024-05-01-2027-04-01。
2、`沈阳市社会治理科技专项:L环境污染物在线监测和精准溯源设备平台研究-2026-11-30, 在研。
3、国家自然科学基金重大项目:疫情聚集区环境污染及次生风险阻控机制-2025-12-31, 在研。
4、国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于生物传感-光谱耦合的复合污染毒性评估与源解析技术研究-2023-12-31, 结题。
5、西藏自治区科技计划重点研发项目:雅鲁藏布江中游河谷生物结皮形成机制及其在沙化土壤治理过程中的应用研究-2023-05-31, 结题。
6、江苏省社会发展面上项目:汽爆-化学氧化耦合修复工艺用于有机污染物土壤修复技术研究-2022-05-31, 结题。
7、国家重点研发计划:场地地下水污染快速识别与风险监测管控技术-2022-11-30, 结题。
8、国家重点研发计划:场地土壤与地下水污染物多介质界面过程和调控机制-2022-11-30, 结题。
9、国务院应急重大专项:新型冠状病毒传播与环境的关系及风险防控-2021-01-31, 结题。
10、国家自然科学基金面上项目:地下水位波动带石油烃污染微生态变化特征与生物修复机制研究-2020-12-31, 结题。
11、国家自然科学基金面上项目:有机磷对水库沉积物拟多甲藻孢囊萌发与增殖的影响及机制-2020-01-01, 结题。
12、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于全细胞生物传感器芯片技术的环境污染场地生态风险机制和影响因素研究-2016-12-31, 结题。
13、国家自然科学基金面上项目:地下水硝酸盐污染原位生态脱氮效应研究-2007-12-31, 结题。
14、国家自然科学基金委-英国皇家学会国际合作项目:地下水的氮污染-氮在地下多界面的转化和迁移-2006-12-31, 结题。
15、国家重大污染控制专项;滇池流域面源污染控制技术研究-2003-12-31, 结题。
李君逸; 张大奕*
2020SR1034631, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2020-08-10.
[1]张大奕, 谢雨呈, 文雪梅, 土艳丽. 一种青藏高原固沙用草方格制作方法及应用[P]. 江苏省: CN117678479A, 2024-03-12.
[2]张大奕, 滕庭庭, 张文静, 赵凯超, 赵红宇. 一种超声基因转导强化生物修复污染环境介质的方法[P]. 吉林省: CN115971226A, 2023-04-18.
[3]吴天韵, 汤成莉, 范晓露, 张大奕. 一种基于汽爆技术下的土壤重金属稳定化方法. 江苏省: CN115213218A, 2022-10-21.
[4]邓松强, 张大奕, 王艺均, 刘永定. 脆弱生境地区矿山快速修复的方法[P]. 江苏省: CN114672420A, 2022-06-28.
[5]李君逸, 张大奕, 张兴, 邓松强. 一种用于环境病原体高效富集的材料及其制备方法[P]. 江苏省: CN111905699A, 2020-11-10.
[6]王洪涛, 王浩轩, 张大奕, 张亚新, 孙尧, 王鸣亮. 一种智能垃圾箱[P]. 江苏省: CN110844410A, 2020-02-28.
[7]曾雨, 黄巍, 李梦秋, 张大奕. 一种用于细胞和颗粒分离的分选仪及分选方法[P]. 北京: CN102019277A, 2011-04-20.
[8]曾雨, 黄巍, 张大奕, 拉威尔·法克鲁林, 穆斯塔法·奥兹曼, 维塞林·保诺夫. 磁性纳米颗粒溶液、其制备方法及用途[P]. 北京: CN101982420A, 2011-03-02.
[9]曾雨, 黄巍, 张大奕. 高通量生物传感器阵列芯片、其构建方法及应用[P]. 北京: CN101974606A, 2011-02-16.
[10]张旭, 周贵忠, 李广贺, 张大奕, 王允. 用于生物法水处理的控释高分子碳源材料的制备方法[P]. 北京: CN1648070, 2005-08-03.
[11]张大奕, 腾庭庭,张文静,赵凯超,赵红宇,一种超声基因转导强化生物修复污染环境介质的方法,吉林:CN202310065485.1,2023-05-05
[1]曾雨, 黄巍, 李梦秋, 张大奕. 一种用于细胞和颗粒分离的分选仪及分选方法[P]. 北京市: CN102019277B, 2013-05-22.
[2]曾雨, 黄巍, 张大奕, 拉威尔·法克鲁林, 穆斯塔法·奥兹曼, 维塞林·保诺夫. 磁性纳米颗粒溶液、其制备方法及用途[P]. 北京市: CN101982420B, 2012-08-29.
[3]张旭, 周贵忠, 李广贺, 张大奕, 王允. 用于生物法水处理的控释高分子碳源材料的制备方法[P]. 北京市: CN1304303C, 2007-03-14.
[1]汤成莉, 吴天韵, 范晓露, 张大奕. 一种核酸提取试剂混合装置[P]. 江苏省: CN219559276U, 2023-08-22.
[2]汤成莉, 吴天韵, 范晓露, 张大奕. 一种用于试剂储存器皿快速清洗的气液混合涡旋装置[P]. 江苏省: CN219253570U, 2023-06-27.
[3]汤成莉, 吴天韵, 范晓露, 张大奕. 一种用于土壤重金属稳定化的处理装置[P]. 江苏省: CN217798056U, 2022-11-15.
[4]李君逸, 杜文艳, 张大奕. 一种用于DGT技术的检测装置[P]. 江苏省: CN214150308U, 2021-09-07.
[5]李君逸, 张兴, 张大奕. 一种基于DGT技术的投放装置[P]. 江苏省: CN214150311U, 2021-09-07.
[6]李君逸, 张成超, 张大奕. 一种离体植物试材遮光盒[P]. 江苏省: CN214150440U, 2021-09-07.
[7]李君逸, 张大奕, 张兴, 邓松强. 一种基于磁性纳米颗粒的环境病原体富集与分离装置[P]. 江苏省: CN212904167U, 2021-04-06.
[8]李君逸, 张大奕, 张兴, 邓松强. 一种用于DGT技术材料制膜的模具[P]. 江苏省: CN212764578U, 2021-03-23.
[1] Fan, Xiaolu; Wu, Xue; Li, Xueyan; Wu, Tianyun; Jiang, Bo; Xiong, Jing; Li, Fei; Li, Shupeng; Zheng, Lei; Wang, Xinzi; Yao, Linying; Zhang, Fang; Zhang, Dayi*.Mechanism insight into highly efficient stabilization of Cd contaminated soils by steam flash heating.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 434: 140059.
[2] Liu, Yueqiao; Zhao, Xiaohui; Wang, Xinzi; Ding, Aizhong*; Zhang, Dayi*.Application of whole-cell bioreporters for ecological risk assessment and bioremediation potential evaluation after a benzene exceedance accident in groundwater in Lanzhou, China.Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 906: 167846.
[3] Biospectroscopic fingerprinting phytotoxicity towards environmental monitoring for food security and contaminated site remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2024,465 :133515
[4] Eliminating the stabilizer antagonistic effects for efficiently stabilizing Pb and As co-contaminated soil by innovative stepwise steam flash heating. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2024 :134627
[5] Appropriate control measurement design by rapidly identifying risk areas of volatile organic compounds during the remediation excavation at an organic contaminated site. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2024,43 :136
[6] E. coli cotransport with composite colloid in unsaturated porous media: Multi-risk on migration and biomolecular response. Environmental Pollution. 2024 (343):123197
[7] Improved sea rice yield and accelerated di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) degradation by straw carbonization returning in coastal saline soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2024 (463):132850
[8] Mechanisms of biochar assisted di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) biodegradation in tomato rhizosphere by metabolic and metagenomic analysis. Chemosphere. 2024 (353):141520
[9] Change of soil bacterial communities in chemically stabilized chromium contaminated soils in an accelerated aging experiment. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2024,12 :111926
[10] Penicillium oxalicum induced phosphate precipitation enhanced cadmium (Cd) immobilization by simultaneously accelerating Cd biosorption and biomineralization. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2024 (470):134306
[11] Multi-biological risk in groundwater-surface water system under landfill stress: Driven by bacterial size and biological toxicity. Journal of Hydrology. 2024,636 :131282
[12] Mechanisms of artificial biological soil crusts development for anti-desertification engineering on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2024,33 :103542
[13] Metagenomic insight into the mechanisms of accelerated di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) degradation in vermicomposting. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2024,33 :103460
[14] Cultivation and characterization of functional-yet-uncultivable phenanthrene degraders by stable-isotope-probing and metagenomic-binning directed cultivation (SIP-MDC). Environment International. 2024,185 :108555
[15] Yang, Qiuyuan; Li, Guanghe; Jin, Naifu*; Zhang, Dayi*.Synergistic/antagonistic toxicity characterization and source-apportionment of heavy metals and organophosphorus pesticides by the biospectroscopy-bioreporter-coupling approach.Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 905: 167057.
[16] Jin, Naifu; Yang, Qiuyuan; Yang, Kai; Song, Yizhi; Ding, Aizhong; Sun, Yujiao; Li, Guanghe; Zhang, Dayi*.Characterization and source-apportionment of synergistic ecotoxicities of multiple pollutants based on a biosensor-biospectroscopy coupling (BBC) test battery approach.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2023,54 :889-907
[17] Zhao, Kaichao; Zhang, Wenjing*; Liang, Zhentian; Zhao, Hongyu; Chai, Juanfen; Yang, Yuesuo; Teng, Tingting; Zhang, Dayi*.Facilitating New Chromium Reducing Microbes to Enhance Hexavalent Chromium Reduction by In Situ Sonoporation-Mediated Gene Transfer in Soils.Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57(40): 15123-15133.
[18] Liu, Mingying; Mu, Ju; Wang, Miao; Hu, Changfeng; Ji, Jinjun; Wen, Chengping*; Zhang, Dayi*.Impacts of polypropylene microplastics on lipid profiles of mouse liver uncovered by lipidomics analysis and Raman spectroscopy.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 458: 131918.
[19] Luo, Shuwen; Zhen, Zhen; Teng, Tingting; Wu, Weilong; Yang, Guiqiong; Yang, Changhong; Li, Huijun; Huang, Fengcheng; Wei, Ting; Lin, Zhong*; Zhang, Dayi*.New mechanisms of biochar-assisted vermicomposting by recognizing different active di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) degraders across pedosphere, charosphere and intestinal sphere.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 458: 131990.
[20] Zhen, Zhen; Li, Gaoyang; Chen, Yijie; Wei, Ting; Li, Huijun; Huang, Fengcheng; Huang, Yongxiang; Ren, Lei; Liang, Yanqiu; Zhang, Dayi; Lin, Zhong*; Li, Zhe*.Accelerated nitrification and altered community structure of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in the saline-alkali tolerant rice rhizosphere of coastal solonchaks.Applied Soil Ecology, 2023, 189: 104978.
[21] Lin, Zhong; Chen, Yijie; Li, Gaoyang; Wei, Ting; Li, Huijun; Huang, Fengcheng; Wu, Weijian; Zhang, Weijian; Ren, Lei; Liang, Yanqiu; Zhen, Zhen*; Zhang, Dayi*.Change of tetracycline speciation and its impacts on tetracycline removal efficiency in vermicomposting with epigeic and endogeic earthworms.Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 881: 163410.
[21] Ejenavi, Odafe; Teng, Tingting; Huang, Wenxin; Wang, Xinzi; Zhang, Wenjing; Zhang, Dayi*.Online detection of alkanes by a biological-phase microextraction and biosensing (BPME-BS) device.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 452: 131316.
[22] Chen, Yijie; Zhen, Zhen; Li, Gaoyang; Li, Huijun; Wei, Ting; Huang, Fengcheng; Li, Tao; Yang, Changhong; Ren, Lei; Liang, Yanqiu; Lin, Zhong*; Zhang, Dayi*.Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) degradation and microbial community change in mangrove rhizosphere gradients.Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 871: 162022.
[23] Jin, Naifu; Yang, Kai; Li, Junyi; Song, Yizhi; Ding, Aizhong; Sun, Yujiao; Li, Guanghe; Zhang, Dayi*.Toxicity Characterization of Environment-Related Pollutants Using a Biospectroscopy-Bioreporter-Coupling Approach: Potential for Real-World Toxicity Determination and Source Apportionment of Multiple Pollutants.Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95(9): 4291-4300.
[24] Wu, Shuang; Li, Hanbing; Zhang, Dayi; Zhang, Hao*.Simultaneous determination of heavy metal concentrations and toxicities by diffusive gradient in thin films containing Acinetobacter whole-cell bioreporters (Bio-DGT).Environmental Pollution, 2023, 320: 121050.
[25] Mu, Ju; Wang, Yu; Wang, Miao; Zhang, Dayi*; Liu, Mingying*.Identification of reliable reference genes for gene expression studies in mouse models under microplastics stress.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023, 252: 114569.
[26] Zhen, Zhen; Luo, Shuwen; Chen, Yijie; Li, Gaoyang; Li, Huijun; Wei, Ting; Huang, Fengcheng; Ren, Lei; Liang, Yan-Qiu; Lin, Zhong*; Zhang, Dayi*.Performance and mechanisms of biochar-assisted vermicomposting in accelerating di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate biodegradation in farmland soil.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 443: 130330.
[27] Liu, Mingying; Mu, Ju; Gong, Wan; Zhang, Kena; Yuan, Maoyun; Song, Yizhi; Li, Bei; Jin, Naifu; Zhang, Wenjing; Zhang, Dayi*.In Vitro Diagnosis and Visualization of Cerebral Ischemia/ Reperfusion Injury in Rats and Protective Effects of Ferulic Acid by Raman Biospectroscopy and Machine Learning.ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2023, 14(1): 159-169.
[28] Cultivation and characterization of functional-yet-uncultivable phenanthrene degraders by stable-isotope-probing and metagenomic-binning directed cultivation (SIP-MDC). Environment International. 2024,185 :108555In situ discrimination and cultivation of active degraders in soils by genome-directed cultivation assisted by SIP-Raman-activated cell sorting. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023,44 (57):17087-17098
[29] Cultivation and characterization of functional-yet-uncultivable phenanthrene degraders by stable-isotope-probing and metagenomic-binning directed cultivation (SIP-MDC). Environment International. 2024,185 :108555Au/NPs Mesoporous NiO/Nickel foam nanocomposite as a miniaturized electrode for heavy metals detection in groundwater. Engineering. 2023,27 :199-208
[30] Cultivation and characterization of functional-yet-uncultivable phenanthrene degraders by stable-isotope-probing and metagenomic-binning directed cultivation (SIP-MDC). Environment International. 2024,185 :108555Application of magnetic-nanoparticle functionalized whole-cell biosensor array for bioavailability and ecotoxicity estimation at urban contaminated sites. Science of the Total Environment. 2023,896 :165292
[31] Different phenanthrene degraders between free-cell mediated and biochar-immobilization assisted soil bioaugmentation as identified by RNA-based stable isotope probing (RNA-SIP). Science of the Total Environment. 2023 (864):161139
[32] Leveraging single-cell Raman spectroscopy and single-cell sorting for the detection and identification of yeast infections. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2023 (1239):340658
[33] Penicillium oxalicum augments soil lead immobilization by affecting indigenous microbial community structure and inorganic phosphate solubilization potential during microbial-induced phosphate precipitation. Environmental Pollution. 2023 (319):120953
[34] Migration risk of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in unsaturated porous media in response to different colloid types and compositions. Environmental Pollution. 2023 (323):121282
[35] Dynamics of dominant rhizospheric microbial communities responsible for trichlorfon absorption and translocation in maize seedlings. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023 (451):131096
[36] New insight into the mechanisms of autochthonous fungal bioaugmentation of phenanthrene in petroleum contaminated soil by stable isotope probing. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023 (452):131271
[37] Polyaniline and polystyrene sulfonic acid modified on conductive biochar nanoparticle with strong signal enhancement for trace atrazine detection. Electrochimica Acta. 2023 (468):143198
[38] Exploration of optimal disinfection model based on groundwater risk game in disinfection process. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2023 (261):115107
[39] Zhao Xuan; Li Jibing; Zhang Dayi; Jiang Longfei; Wang Yujie; Hu Beibei; Wang Shuang; Dai Yeliang; Luo Chunling; Zhang Gan.Unveiling the novel role of ryegrass rhizospheric metabolites in benzo[a]pyrene biodegradation.Environment International, 2023 (180):108215
[40] Liu Mingying; He Xuelian; Zhuo Renying; Mu Ju; Zhang Dayi.Functional characterization of a DNA-damage repair/tolerance 100 (DRT100) gene in Sedum alfredii Hance for genome stability maintenance and Cd hypertolerance.Environmental Pollution, 2023,327 :121546
[41] Fan Xiaolu; Wu Tianyun; Wu Xue; Jiang Bo; Xiong Jing; Li Fei; Li Shupeng; Zheng Lei; Liu Yunpeng; Zhang Dayi.Thermophysical and molecular mechanisms of a novel and cost-efficient Cr-contaminated soil stabilization by steam flash heating.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023,468 :143633
[42] Xie, Yucheng; Sheng, Yizhi; Li, Danni; He, Feng; Du, Jinsong; Jiang, Longfei; Luo, Chunling; Li, Guanghe; Zhang, Dayi*.Change of the structure and assembly of bacterial and photosynthetic communities by the ecological engineering practices in Dianchi Lake.Environmental Pollution. 2022,315 :120386
[43] Slow release of attapulgite based nano-enabled glyphosate improves soil phosphatase activity, organic P-pool and proliferation of dominant bacterial community. Environmental Pollution. 2023 (336):122408
[44] Zhang, Wenjing; Chai, Juanfen; Li, Shuxin; Wang, Xinzi; Wu, Shengyu; Liang, Zhentian; Baloch, Muhammad Yousuf Jat; Silva, Luis F. O.; Zhang, Dayi*.Physiological characteristics, geochemical properties and hydrological variables influencing pathogen migration in subsurface system: What we know or not?Geoscience Frontiers, 2022, 13(6): 101346.
[45] Sun, Yujiao; Ding, Aizhong; Zhao, Xiaohui; Chang, Wonjae; Ren, Liangsuo; Zhao, Yinjun; Song, Ziyu; Hao, Di; Liu, Yueqiao*; Jin, Naifu*; Zhang, Dayi*.Response of soil microbial communities to petroleum hydrocarbons at a multi-contaminated industrial site in Lanzhou, China.Chemosphere, 2022, 306: 135559.
[46] Liu, Yueqiao; Sun, Yujiao; Yu, Jingshan; Xia, Xuefeng; Ding, Aizhong; Zhang, Dayi*.Impacts of groundwater level fluctuation on soil microbial community, alkane degradation efficiency and alkane-degrading gene diversity in the critical zone: Evidence from an accelerated water table fluctuation simulation.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29(55): 83060-83070.
[47] Tang, Fei; Yue, Jiaru; Tian, Jiang*; Ge, Fei; Li, Feng; Liu, Yun; Deng, Songqiang; Zhang, Dayi*.Microbial induced phosphate precipitation accelerate lead mineralization to alleviate nucleotide metabolism inhibition and alter Penicillium oxalicum's adaptive cellular machinery.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 439: 129675.
[48] Zhong, Yanping; Su, Yuping*; Zhang, Dayi; She, Chenxing; Chen, Nengwang; Chen, Jixin; Yang, Hong; Balaji-Prasath, Barathan.The spatiotemporal variations in microalgae communities in vertical waters of a subtropical reservoir.Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 317: 115379.
[49] Jin, Naifu; Liu, Yueqiao; Wang, Xinzi; Yang, Kai; Zhang, Dayi*; Ding, Aizhong*.In-vitro toxicity assessment of Eucalyptus robusta Smith extracts via whole-cell bioreporter.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 240: 113704.
[50] Wang, Peiying; Li, Qiqiang; Ge, Fei; Li, Feng; Liu, Yun; Deng, Songqiang; Zhang, Dayi; Tian, Jiang*.Correlation of bacterial community with phosphorus fraction drives discovery of Actinobacteria involved soil phosphorus transformation during the trichlorfon degradation.Environmental Pollution, 2022, 302: 119043.
[51] Wang, Xinzi; Wu, Tianyun; Oliveira, Luis F. S.; Zhang, Dayi*.Sheet, Surveillance, Strategy, Salvage and Shield in global biodefense system to protect the public health and tackle the incoming pandemics.Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 822: 153469.
[52] Wu, Weijian; Lin, Zhong; Zhu, Xiaoping; Li, Gaoyang; Zhang, Weijian; Chen, Yijie; Ren, Lei; Luo, Shuwen; Lin, Haihong; Zhou, Hongkai; Huang, Yongxiang; Yang, Rongchao; Xie, Yucheng; Wang, Xinzi; Zhen, Zhen*; Zhang, Dayi*.Improved tomato yield and quality by altering soil physicochemical properties and nitrification processes in the combined use of organic-inorganic fertilizers.European Journal of Soil Biology, 2022, 109: 103384.
[53] Chai, Juanfen; Zhang, Wenjing*; Liu, Dan; Li, Shuxin; Chen, Xuequn; Yang, Yuesuo; Zhang, Dayi*.Decreased levels and ecological risks of disinfection by-product chloroform in a field-scale artificial groundwater recharge project by colloid supplement.Environment International, 2022, 161: 107130.
[54] Hao, Shaofen; Wang, Peiying; Ge, Fei; Li, Feng; Deng, Songqiang; Zhang, Dayi; Tian, Jiang*.Enhanced Lead (Pb) immobilization in red soil by phosphate solubilizing fungi associated with tricalcium phosphate influencing microbial community composition and Pb translocation in Lactuca sativa L.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424: 127720.
[55] Li, Danni; Li, Guanghe; He, Yuning; Zhao, Yingshuang; Miao, Qiuci; Zhang, Hao; Yuan, Ying; Zhang, Dayi*.Key Cr species controlling Cr stability in contaminated soils before and chemical stabilization at a remediation engineering site.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424(PB): 127532.
[56] Jiang, Bo; Chen, Yating; Xing, Yi; Lian, Luning; Shen, Yaoxin; Zhang, Baogang; Zhang, Han; Sun, Guangdong; Li, Junyi; Wang, Xinzi; Zhang, Dayi*.Negative correlations between cultivable and active-yet-uncultivable pyrene degraders explain the postponed bioaugmentation.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 423: 127189.
[57] Dayi Zhang; Yunfeng Yang; Miao Li; Yun Lu; Yi Liu*; Jingkun Jiang; Ruiping Liu; Jianguo Liu; Xia Huang; Guanghe Li; Jiuhui Qu*.Ecological Barrier Deterioration Driven by Human Activities Poses Fatal Threats to Public Health due to Emerging Infectious DiseasesOA.Engineering, 2022, 10(03): 155-166.
[58] Mechanism of salicylic acid in promoting the rhizosphere benzo[a]pyrene biodegradation as revealed by DNA-stable isotope probing. Science of the Total Environment. 2022 (810):152202
[59] The positive role of root decomposition on the bioremediation of organic pollutants contaminated soil: A case study using PCB-9 as a model compound. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2022 (171):108726
[60] Altered active pyrene degraders in biosurfactant-assisted bioaugmentation as revealed by RNA stable isotope probing. Environmental Pollution. 2022 (313):120192
[61] Impacts of earthworm casts on atrazine catabolism and bacterial community structure in laterite soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022 (425):127778
[62] Highly-efficient and sequential recovery of rare earth elements, alumina and silica from coal fly ash via a novel recyclable ZnO sinter method. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022 (437):129308
[63] Identifying the active phenanthrene degraders and characterizing their metabolic activities at single-cell level by the combination of magnetic-nanoparticle mediated isolation, stable-isotope probing and Raman-activated cell sorting (MMI-SIP-RACS). Environmental Science & Technology. 2022,4 (56):2289-2299
[64] Characterization and identification of microplastics using Raman spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2022,1197 :339519
[65] Hao, Shaofen; Tian, Jiang; Liu, Xingwang*; Wang, Peiying; Liu, Yun; Deng, Songqiang; Zhang, Dayi.Combined effects of Penicillium oxalicum and tricalcium phosphate on lead immobilization: Performance, mechanisms and stabilities.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 227: 112880.
[66] Lin, Zhong; Zhang, Weijian; Zhu, Xiaoping; Wu, Weijian; Chen, Yijie; Li, Gaoyang; Ren, Lei; Luo, Shuwen; Xie, Yucheng; Huang, Yongxiang; Wang, Xinzi; Zhen, Zhen*; Zhang, Dayi*.Effects of biochar pyrolysis temperature on di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) removal performance and microbial community structure in coastal sediments.Environmental Technology and Innovation, 2021, 24: 102004.
[67] Li, Hanbing; Yang, Yi; Zhang, Dayi; Li, Yanying; Zhang, Hao; Luo, Jun*; Jones, Kevin C.*.Evaluating the simulated toxicities of metal mixtures and hydrocarbons using the alkane degrading bioreporter Acinetobacter baylyi ADPWH_recA.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 419: 126471.
[68] Jiang, Yishan; Zhang, Dayi; Ostle, Nicholas J.; Luo, Chunling*; Wang, Yan; Ding, Ping; Cheng, Zhineng; Shen, Chengde; Zhang, Gan*.FLEXIBLE SOIL MICROBIAL CARBON METABOLISM ACROSS AN ASIAN ELEVATION GRADIENT.Radiocarbon, 2021, 63(5): 1397-1413.
[69] Hu, Beibei; Jiang, Longfei*; Zheng, Qian; Luo, Chunling*; Zhang, Dayi; Wang, Shaorui; Xie, Yucheng; Zhang, Gan.Uptake and translocation of organophosphate esters by plants: Impacts of chemical structure, plant cultivar and copper.Environment International, 2021, 155: 106591.
[70] Luo, Shuwen; Zhen, Zhen; Zhu, Xiaoping; Ren, Lei; Wu, Weijian; Zhang, Weijian; Chen, Yijie; Zhang, Dayi; Song, Zhiguang; Lin, Zhong*; Liang, Yan-Qiu*.Accelerated atrazine degradation and altered metabolic pathways in goat manure assisted soil bioremediation.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 221: 112432.
[71] Li, Danni; Li, Guanghe; Zhang, Dayi*.Field-scale studies on the change of soil microbial community structure and functions after stabilization at a chromium-contaminated site.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 415: 125727.
[72] Zhang, Dayi*; Zhang, Xiaoling; Ma, Rui; Deng, Songqiang; Wang, Xinzi; Wang, Xinquan; Zhang, Xian; Huang, Xia; Liu, Yi; Li, Guanghe; Qu, Jiuhui; Zhu, Yu; Li, Junyi*.Ultra-fast and onsite interrogation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in waters via surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS).Water Research, 2021, 200: 117243.
[73] Wang, Leyun; Zhang, Xian; Chen, Shanshan; Meng, Fanbin; Zhang, Dayi; Liu, Yi; Li, Miao*; Liu, Xiang; Huang, Xia; Qu, Jiuhui.Spatial variation of dissolved organic nitrogen in Wuhan surface waters: Correlation with the occurrence of disinfection byproducts during the COVID-19 pandemic.Water Research, 2021, 198: 117138.
[74] Lin, Zhong; Zhen, Zhen; Luo, Shuwen; Ren, Lei; Chen, Yijie; Wu, Weijian; Zhang, Weijian; Liang, Yan-Qiu; Song, Zhiguang; Li, Yongtao*; Zhang, Dayi*.Effects of two ecological earthworm species on tetracycline degradation performance, pathway and bacterial community structure in laterite soil.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 412: 125212.
[75] Chunling, Luo; Xuan, Zhao; Dayi, Zhang; Yeliang, Dai; Qiqian, Li; Shuang, Wang; Huiru, Lin; Gan, Zhang; Jibing, Li.Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Autochthonous Bioaugmentation (ABA): Cases of ABA for Phenanthrene and Biphenyl by Ralstonia sp. M1 in Industrial Wastewater.ACS ES&T Water, 2021, 1(6): 1390-1400.
[76] Sheng, Yizhi; Li, Guanghe; Dong, Hailiang; Liu, Yifei; Ma, Lin; Yang, Mengqing; Liu, Ying; Liu, Jun; Deng, Songqiang; Zhang, Dayi*.Distinct assembly processes shape bacterial communities along unsaturated, groundwater fluctuated, and saturated zones.Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 761: 143303.
[77] Song, Mengke; Jiang, Longfei; Zhang, Dayi; Huang, Zilin; Wang, Shaorui*; Mei, Weiping; Luo, Chunling*; Zhang, Gan.Uptake, Acropetal Translocation, and Enantioselectivity of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate in Maize Coexisting with Copper.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(7): 2062-2068.
[78] Song, Mengke; Song, Dandan; Jiang, Longfei; Zhang, Dayi; Sun, Yingtao; Chen, Guoen; Xu, Huijuan; Mei, Weiping; Li, Yongtao; Luo, Chunling*; Zhang, Gan.Large-scale biogeographical patterns of antibiotic resistome in the forest soils across China.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 403: 123990.
[79] Jiang, Longfei; Luo, Chunling*; Zhang, Dayi; Song, Mengke; Mei, Weiping; Sun, Yingtao; Zhang, Gan.Shifts in a Phenanthrene-Degrading Microbial Community are Driven by Carbohydrate Metabolism Selection in a Ryegrass Rhizosphere.Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(2): 962-973.
[80] Sheng, Yizhi; Liu, Ying; Yang, Juejie; Dong, Hailiang; Liu, Bo; Zhang, Hao; Li, Aiyang; Wei, Yuquan; Li, Guanghe*; Zhang, Dayi*.History of petroleum disturbance triggering the depth-resolved assembly process of microbial communities in the vadose zone.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 402: 124060.
[81] Xie, En; Zheng, Lei; Ding, Aizhong*; Zhang, Dayi*.Mechanisms and pathways of ethidium bromide Fenton-like degradation by reusable magnetic nanocatalysts.Chemosphere, 2021, 262: 127852.
[82] Zhao Xuan; Li Jibing; Zhang Dayi; Huang Zilin; Luo Chunling; Jiang Longfei; Huang Deyin; Zhang Gan.Mechanism of salicylic acid in promoting the rhizosphere benzo[a]pyrene biodegradation as revealed by DNA-stable isotope probing.Science of the Total Environment,t. 2021 (810):152202
[83] The catabolic pathways of in situ rhizosphere PAH degraders and the main factors driving PAH rhizoremediation in oil-contaminated soil,. Environmental Microbiology. 2021,11 (23):7042-7055
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[90] Li, Hanbing; Zhang, Dayi; Luo, Jun; Jones, Kevin C.*; Martin, Francis L.*.Applying Raman Microspectroscopy to Evaluate the Effects of Nutrient Cations on Alkane Bioavailability to Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1.Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(24): 15800-15810.
[91] Feng, Tongyu; He, Xuelian; Zhuo, Renying; Qiao, Guirong; Han, Xiaojiao; Qiu, Wenmin; Chi, Linfeng; Zhang, Dayi*; Liu, Mingying*.Identification and functional characterization of ABCC transporters for Cd tolerance and accumulation in Sedum alfredii Hance.Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1): 20928.
[92] Jiang, Yifan; Ge, Fei; Li, Feng; Zhang, Dayi; Deng, Songqiang; Tian, Jiang*.Intracellular Metabolomics Switching Alters Extracellular Acid Production and Insoluble Phosphate Solubilization Behavior in Penicillium oxalicum.Metabolites, 2020, 10(11): 441.
[93] Dayi, Zhang*; Haibo, Ling; Xia, Huang; Jing, Li; Weiwei, Li; Chuan, Yi; Ting, Zhang; Yongzhong, Jiang; Yuning, He; Songqiang, Deng; Xian, Zhang; Xinzi, Wang; Yi, Liu; Guanghe, Li; Jiuhui, Qu.Potential spreading risks and disinfection challenges of medical wastewater by the presence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) viral RNA in septic tanks of Fangcang Hospital.Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 741(0): 140445.
[94] Jiang, Yishan; Luo, Chunling*; Zhang, Dayi; Ostle, Nicholas J.; Cheng, Zhineng; Ding, Ping; Shen, Chengde; Zhang, Gan*.Radiocarbon evidence of the impact of forest-to-plantation conversion on soil organic carbon dynamics on a tropical island.Geoderma, 2020, 375: 114484.
[95] Miao Li; Yunfeng Yang; Yun Lu; Dayi Zhang; Yi Liu; Xiaofeng Cui; Lei Yang; Ruiping Liu; Jianguo Liu; Guanghe Li; Jiuhui Qu. Natural Host–Environmental Media–Human: A New Potential Pathway of COVID-19 Outbreak.Engineering, 2020 (6):1085-1098
[96] Jiang, Longfei; Song, Mengke; Luo, Chunling*; Zhang, Dayi; Sun, Yingtao; Li, Jun; Ostle, Nicholas J.; Zhang, Gan.Decoupled Spatial Distribution of PAHs Degraders Determined by Taxonomic 16S rRNA and Degrading Genes Across Chinese Forest Soils.Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 2020, 125(9): e2020JG005659.
[97] Li, Aiyang; Li, Guanghe; Yang, Juejie; Yang, Yunfeng; Liang, Yuting; Zhang, Dayi.Geo-distribution pattern of microbial carbon cycling genes responsive to petroleum contamination in continental horizontal oilfields.Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 731: 139188.
[98] Jin, Zhongmin; Xie, Lin; Zhang, Tuo; Liu, Lijie; Black, Tom; Jones, Kevin C.; Zhang, Hao; Wang, Xinzi; Jin, Naifu; Zhang, Dayi.Interrogating cadmium and lead biosorption mechanisms by Simplicillium chinense via infrared spectroscopy.Environmental Pollution, 2020, 263: 114419.
[99] Xie, En; Li, Fangfang; Wang, Chaozi; Shi, Wei; Huang, Chen; Fa, Keyu; Zhao, Xiao; Zhang, Dayi.Roles of sulfur compounds in growth and alkaline phosphatase activities of Microcystis aeruginosa under phosphorus deficiency stress.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(17): 21533-21541.
[100] Sun, Yingtao; Luo, Chunling; Jiang, Longfei; Song, Mengke; Zhang, Dayi; Li, Jun; Li, Yongtao; Ostle, Nicholas J.; Zhang, Gan.Land-use changes alter soil bacterial composition and diversity in tropical forest soil in China.Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 712: 136526.
[101] Hu, Liyang; Zhang, Tingting; Zhang, Dayi; Jiang, Mengyun; Tan, Jie; Li, Jie; Lin, Zuhong; Li, Zetang.Electro-enhanced leaching method for the mobilization of Cr(VI) in contaminated groundwater aquifer.Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1): 5297.
[102] Jin, Naifu; Morais, Camilo L. M.; Martin, Francis L.; Zhang, Dayi*.Spectrochemical identification of kanamycin resistance genes in artificial microbial communities using Clover-assay.Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2020, 181: 113108.
[103] Li, Jibing; Peng, Ke; Zhang, Dayi; Luo, Chunling*; Cai, Xixi; Wang, Yujie; Zhang, Gan.Autochthonous bioaugmentation with non-direct degraders: A new strategy to enhance wastewater bioremediation performance.Environment International, 2020, 136: 105473.
[104] Zheng, Lei; Liu, Tingting; Xie, En; Liu, Mingxue; Ding, Aizhong; Zhang, Bo-Tao; Li, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Dayi.Partition and Fate of Phthalate Acid Esters (PAEs) in a Full-Scale Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland Treating Polluted River Water.Water, 2020, 12(3): 865.
[105] Song, Mengke; Peng, Ke; Jiang, Longfei; Zhang, Dayi; Song, Dandan; Chen, Guoen; Xu, Huijuan; Li, Yongtao; Luo, Chunling*.Alleviated Antibiotic-Resistant Genes in the Rhizosphere of Agricultural Soils with Low Antibiotic Concentration.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(8): 2457-2466.
[106] Deng, Songqiang; Zhang, Dayi; Wang, Gaohong; Zhou, Xiangjun; Ye, Chaoran; Fu, Taoran; Ke, Tan; Zhang, Yurui; Liu, Yongding; Chen, Lanzhou.Biological soil crust succession in deserts through a 59-year-long case study in China: How induced biological soil crust strategy accelerates desertification reversal from decades to years.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 141: 107665.
[107] Jiang, Bo; Song, Yizhi; Liu, Zengjun; Huang, Wei E.; Li, Guanghe; Deng, Songqiang; Xing, Yi; Zhang, Dayi.Whole-cell bioreporters for evaluating petroleum hydrocarbon contamination.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, . 2020,51 (3):272-322
[108] Jiang, Bo; Xing, Yi; Li, Guanghe; Zhang, Nana; Lian, Luning; Sun, Guangdong; Zhang, Dayi.iTRAQ-Based Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 Under DNA Damage in Relation to Different Carbon Sources.Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 10: 2906.
[109] Jin, Zhongmin; Deng, Songqiang; Wen, Yuchen; Jin, Yifeng; Pan, Lin; Zhang, Yanfu; Black, Tom; Jones, Kevin C.; Zhang, Hao; Zhang, Dayi*.Application of Simplicillium chinense for Cd and Pb biosorption and enhancing heavy metal phytoremediation of soils.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 697: UNSP 134148.
[110] Li, Hanbing; Martin, Francis L; Jones, Kevin C; Zhang, Dayi*.Interrogating the Transient Selectivity of Bacterial Chemotaxis-Driven Affinity and Accumulation of Carbonaceous Substances via Raman Microspectroscopy.Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 2215.
[111] Zhen, Zhen; Wang, Sibo; Luo, Shuwen; Ren, Lei; Liang, Yanqiu; Yang, Rongchao; Li, Yongtao; Zhang, Yueqin; Deng, Songqiang; Zou, Lina; Lin, Zhong*; Zhang, Dayi*.Significant Impacts of Both Total Amount and Availability of Heavy Metals on the Functions and Assembly of Soil Microbial Communities in Different Land Use Patterns.Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 2293.
[112] Liu, Mingying*; He, Xuelian; Feng, Tongyu; Zhuo, Renying*; Qiu, Wenmin; Han, Xiaojiao; Qao, Guirong; Zhang, Dayi*.cDNA Library for Mining Functional Genes in Sedum alfredii Hance Related to Cadmium Tolerance and Characterization of the Roles of a Novel SaCTP2 Gene in Enhancing Cadmium Hyperaccumulation.Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(18): 10926-10940.
[113] Zhang, Tingting; Hu, Liyang; Zhang, Minglu; Jiang, Mengyun; Fiedler, Heidelore; Bai, Wenrong; Wang, Xiaohui; Zhang, Dayi; Li, Zetang*.Cr(VI) removal from soils and groundwater using an integrated adsorption and microbial fuel cell (A-MFC) technology.Environmental Pollution, 2019, 252: 1399-1405.
[114] Xie, En; Zheng, Lei; Li, Xinyang; Wang, Yingying; Dou, Junfeng; Ding, Aizhong*; Zhang, Dayi*.One-step synthesis of magnetic-TiO2-nanocomposites with high iron oxide composing ratio for photocatalysis of rhodamine 6G.PLos One, 2019, 14(8): e0221221.
[115] Li, Jibing; Luo, Chunling*; Zhang, Dayi; Cai, Xixi; Jiang, Longfei; Zhang, Gan.Stable-Isotope Probing-Enabled Cultivation of the Indigenous Bacterium Ralstonia sp. Strain M1, Capable of Degrading Phenanthrene and Biphenyl in Industrial Wastewater.Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2019, 85(14): UNSP e00511-19.
[116] Jiang, Bo; Zhang, Nana; Xing, Yi*; Lian, Luning; Chen, Yating; Zhang, Dayi; Li, Guanghe; Sun, Guangdong; Song, Yizhi.Microbial degradation of organophosphorus pesticides: novel degraders, kinetics, functional genes, and genotoxicity assessment.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(21): 21668-21681.
[117] Zheng Lei; Ren Mengli; Xie En*; Ding Aizhong; Liu Yan; Deng Songqiang; Zhang Dayi*.Roles of Phosphorus Sources in Microbial Community Assembly for the Removal of Organic Matters and Ammonia in Activated Sludge.Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 1023.
[118] Morais Camilo L M*; Paraskevaidi Maria*; Cui Li; Fullwood Nigel J; Isabelle Martin; Lima Kassio M G; Martin Hirsch Pierre L; Sreedhar Hari; Trevisan Julio; Walsh Michael J; Zhang Dayi; Zhu Yong Guan; Martin Francis L*.Standardization of complex biologically derived spectrochemical datasets.Nature Protocols, 2019, 14(5): 1546-1577.
[119] Song, Mengke; Wang, Yujie; Jiang, Longfei; Peng, Ke; Wei, Zikai; Zhang, Dayi; Li, Yongtao; Zhang, Gan; Luo, Chunling*.The complex interactions between novel DEHP-metabolising bacteria and the microbes in agricultural soils.Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 660: 733-740.
[120] Song, Mengke; Luo, Chunling*; Jiang, Longfei; Peng, Ke; Zhang, Dayi; Zhang, Ruijie; Li, Yongtao; Zhang, Gan.The presence of in situ sulphamethoxazole degraders and their interactions with other microbes in activated sludge as revealed by DNA stable isotope probing and molecular ecological network analysis.Environment International, 2019, 124: 121-129.
[121] Shi Yu Qin; Fu Guo Qing; Zhao Jing; Cheng Shen Zhou; Li You; Yi Ling Na; Li Zhen; Zhang Ling; Zhang Zhi Bing; Dai Juan*; Zhang Da Yi*.Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate induces reproductive toxicity via JAZF1/TR4 pathway and oxidative stress in pubertal male rats.Toxicology and Industrial Health, 2019, 35(3): 228-238.
[122] Lin, Zhong; Zhen, Zhen; Liang, Yanqiu; Li, Jin; Yang, Jiewen; Zhong, Laiyuan; Zhao, Lirong; Li, Yongtao; Luo, Chunling; Ren, Lei*; Zhang, Dayi*.Changes in atrazine speciation and the degradation pathway in red soil during the vermiremediation process.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 364: 710-719.
[123] Jiang, Bo; Adebayo, Adedoyin; Jia, Jianli; Xing, Yi*; Deng, Songqiang; Guo, Limin; Liang, Yuting*; Zhang, Dayi*.Impacts of heavy metals and soil properties at a Nigerian e-waste site on soil microbial community.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 362: 187-195.
[124] He Xuelian; Feng Tongyu; Zhang Dayi; Zhuo Renying; Liu Mingying*.Identification and comprehensive analysis of the characteristics and roles of leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase (LRR-RLK) genes in Sedum alfredii Hance responding to cadmium stress.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 167: 95-106.
[125] Du, Yu; Chen, Yasong; Zou, Lina; Deng, Songqiang; Li, Guanghe*; Zhang, Dayi*.Monitoring the Activated Sludge Activities Affected by Industrial Toxins via an Early-Warning System Based on the Relative Oxygen Uptake Rate (ROUR) Index.APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2019, 9(1): 154.
[126] Li, Jibing; Luo, Chunling*; Zhang, Dayi; Cai, Xixi; Jiang, Longfei; Zhao, Xuan; Zhang, Gan.Diversity of the active phenanthrene degraders in PAH-polluted soil is shaped by ryegrass rhizosphere and root exudates.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2019, 128: 100-110.
[127] Sun Guangdong*; Du Yu; Yin JunXian; Jiang YunZhong; Zhang Dayi; Jiang Bo; Li Guanghe; Wang Hao; Kong Fanxin; Su Limao; Hu Jialin.Response of microbial communities to different organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) contamination levels in contaminated soils.Chemosphere, 2019, 215: 461-469.
[128] Deng, Songqiang; Ke, Tan; Wu, Yanfang; Zhang, Chao; Hu, Zhiquan; Yin, Hongmei; Guo, Limin*; Chen, Lanzhou*; Zhang, Dayi*.Heavy Metal Exposure Alters the Uptake Behavior of 16 Priority Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by Pak Choi (Brassica chinensis L.).Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(22): 13457-13468.
[129] Jiang, Bo; Lian, Luning; Xing, Yi*; Zhang, Nana; Chen, Yating; Lu, Pei; Zhang, Dayi*.Advances of magnetic nanoparticles in environmental application: environmental remediation and (bio)sensors as case studies.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(31): 30863-30879.
[130] Jiang, Bo; Xing, Yi*; Zhang, Baogang*; Cai, Ruquan; Zhang, Dayi; Sun, Guangdong.Effective phytoremediation of low-level heavy metals by native macrophytes in a vanadium mining area, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(31): 31272-31282.
[131] Sheng, Yizhi; Zhang, Xu; Zhai, Xiaobo; Zhang, Fang; Li, Guanghe*; Zhang, Dayi*.A mobile, modular and rapidly-acting treatment system for optimizing and improving the removal of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) in groundwater.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 360: 639-650.
[132] Bo, Jiang; Naifu, Jin; Yi, Xing; Yuping, Su; Dayi, Zhang.Unraveling uncultivable pesticide degraders via stable isotope probing (SIP).Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2018, 38(7): 1025-1048.
[133] Liu Yueqiao; Ding Aizhong*; Sun Yujiao; Xia Xuefeng; Zhang Dayi*.Impacts of n-alkane concentration on soil bacterial community structure and alkane monooxygenase genes abundance during bioremediation processes.Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2018, 12(5): 3.
[134] Jiang, Longfei; Luo, Chunling*; Zhang, Dayi; Song, Mengke; Sun, Yingtao; Zhang, Gan.Biphenyl-Metabolizing Microbial Community and a Functional Operon Revealed in E-Waste-Contaminated Soil.Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(15): 8558-8567.
[135] Song, Mengke; Jiang, Longfei; Zhang, Dayi; Luo, Chunling*; Yin, Hua; Li, Yongtao; Zhang, Gan.Identification of biphenyl-metabolising microbes in activated biosludge using cultivation-independent and-dependent approaches.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 353: 534-541.
[136] Wang, Jianbing*; Zhi, Dan; Zhou, Hao; He, Xuwen; Zhang, Dayi*.Evaluating tetracycline degradation pathway and intermediate toxicity during the electrochemical oxidation over a Ti/Ti4O7 anode.Water Research, 2018, 137: 324-334.
[137] Ma Lin; Liu Yifei; Zhang Jing; Yang Qing; Li Guanghe; Zhang Dayi.Impacts of irrigation water sources and geochemical conditions on vertical distribution of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in the vadose zone soils.Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 626: 1148-1156.
[138] Deng Songqiang; Ke Tan; Li Longtai; Cai Shenwen; Zhou Yuyue; Liu Yue; Guo Limin; Chen Lanzhou; Zhang Dayi.Impacts of environmental factors on the whole microbial communities in the rhizosphere of a metal-tolerant plant: Elsholtzia haichowensis Sun.Environmental Pollution, 2018, 237: 1088-1097.
[139] Lin, Zhong; Zhen, Zhen; Chen, Changer; Li, Yongtao; Luo, Chunling; Zhong, Laiyuan; Hu, Hanqiao; Li, Jin; Zhang, Yueqin; Liang, Yanqiu; Yang, Jiewen; Zhang, Dayi*.Rhizospheric effects on atrazine speciation and degradation in laterite soils of Pennisetum alopecuroides (L.) Spreng.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(13): 12407-12418.
[140] Jin, Naifu; Semple, Kirk T; Jiang, Longfei; Luo, Chunling; Martin, Francis L*; Zhang, Dayi*.Spectrochemical determination of unique bacterial responses following long-term low-level exposure to antimicrobials.Analytical Methods, 2018, 10(14): 1602-1611.
[141] Song, Mengke; Cheng, Zhineng; Luo, Chunling*; Jiang, Longfei; Zhang, Dayi; Yin, Hua; Zhang, Gan.Rhizospheric effects on the microbial community of e-waste-contaminated soils using phospholipid fatty acid and isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether analyses.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(10): 9904-9914.
[142] Lin, Zhong; Zhen, Zhen; Ren, Lei; Yang, Jiewen; Luo, Chunling; Zhong, Laiyuan; Hu, Hanqiao; Liang, Yanqiu; Li, Yongtao*; Zhang, Dayi*.Effects of two ecological earthworm species on atrazine degradation performance and bacterial community structure in red soil.Chemosphere, 2018, 196: 467-475.
[143] Blaud Aimeric*; van der Zaan Bas; Menon Manoj; Lair Georg J; Zhang Dayi; Huber Petra; Schiefer Jasmin; Blum Winfried E H; Kitzler Barbara; Huang Wei E; van Gaans Pauline; Banwart Steve.The abundance of nitrogen cycle genes and potential greenhouse gas fluxes depends on land use type and little on soil aggregate size.Applied Soil Ecology, 2018, 125: 1-11.
[144] Li, Jibing; Luo, Chunling*; Zhang, Dayi; Song, Mengke; Cai, Xixi; Jiang, Longfei; Zhang, Gan.Autochthonous Bioaugmentation-Modified Bacterial Diversity of Phenanthrene Degraders in PAH-Contaminated Wastewater as Revealed by DNA-Stable Isotope Probing.Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(5): 2934-2944.
[145] Jin, Naifu; Semple, Kirk T; Jiang, Longfei; Luo, Chunling; Zhang, Dayi*; Martin, Francis L*.Spectrochemical analyses of growth phase-related bacterial responses to low (environmentally-relevant) concentrations of tetracycline and nanoparticulate silver.Analyst, 2018, 143(3): 768-776.
[146] Li Huayu; Yao Hong; Zhang Dayi; Zuo Lushen; Ren Jia; Ma Jinyuan; Pei Jin; Xu Yaru; Yang Chengyong.Short- and long-term effects of manganese, zinc and copper ions on nitrogen removal in nitritation-anammox process.Chemosphere, 2018, 193: 479-488.
[147] Li Jibing; Luo Chunling; Zhang Gan; Zhang Dayi*.Coupling magnetic-nanoparticle mediated isolation (MMI) and stable isotope probing (SIP) for identifying and isolating the active microbes involved in phenanthrene degradation in wastewater with higher resolution and accuracy.Water Research, 2018, 144: 226-234.
[148] Wang Shaorui; Luo Chunling*; Zhang Dayi; Wang Yan; Song Mengke; Yu Zhiqiang; Wang Yujie; Zhang Gan.Reflection of Stereoselectivity during the Uptake and Acropetal Translocation of Chiral PCBs in Plants in the Presence of Copper.Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(23): 13834-13841.
[149] Jiang Longfei; Cheng Zhineng; Zhang Dayi; Song Mengke; Wang Yujie; Luo Chunling*; Yin Hua; Li Jun; Zhang Gan.The influence of e-waste recycling on the molecular ecological network of soil microbial communities in Pakistan and China.Environmental Pollution, 2017, 231: 173-181.
[150] Li Jibing; Zhang Dayi; Song Mengke; Jiang Longfei; Wang Yujie; Luo Chunling*; Zhang Gan.Novel bacteria capable of degrading phenanthrene in activated sludge revealed by stable-isotope probing coupled with high-throughput sequencing.Biodegradation, 2017, 28(5-6): 423-436.
[151] Sun Yujiao; Zhao Xiaohui*; Zhang Dayi; Ding Aizhong; Chen Cheng; Huang Wei E; Zhang Huichun.New naphthalene whole-cell bioreporter for measuring and assessing naphthalene in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contaminated site.Chemosphere, 2017, 186: 510-518.
[152] Jiang Bo; Li Guanghe*; Xing Yi*; Zhang Dayi; Jia Jianli; Cui Zhisong; Luan Xiao; Tang Hui.A whole-cell bioreporter assay for quantitative genotoxicity evaluation of environmental samples.Chemosphere, 2017, 184: 384-392.
[153] Zhang Shichao; Yao Hong; Lu Yintao; Yu Xiaohua; Wang Jing; Sun Shaobin; Liu Mingli; Li Desheng; Li Yi Fan; Zhang Dayi.Uptake and translocation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals by maize from soil irrigated with wastewater.Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 12165.
[154] Jin Naifu; Paraskevaidi Maria; Semple Kirk T; Martin Francis L*; Zhang Dayi*.Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled with a Dispersion Model for Quantifying the Real-Time Dynamics of Kanamycin Resistance in Artificial Microbiota.Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(18): 9814-9821.
[155] Li Xinyang; Sun Shaobin; Zhang Xu; Liu Guicheng; Zheng Clark Renjun; Zheng Jianzhong*; Zhang Dayi; Yao Hong.Combined electro-catazone/electro-peroxone process for rapid and effective Rhodamine B degradation.Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 178: 189-192.
[156] Jin Naifu; Zhang Dayi*; Martin Francis L*.Fingerprinting microbiomes towards screening for microbial antibiotic resistance.Integrative Biology, 2017, 9(5): 406-417.
[157] Li Hanbing; Martin Francis Luke; Zhang Dayi*.Quantification of Chemotaxis-Related Alkane Accumulation in Acinetobacter baylyi Using Raman Microspectroscopy.Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(7): 3909-3918.
[158] Li Jibing; Luo Chunling; Song Mengke; Dai Qing; Jiang Longfei; Zhang Dayi; Zhang Gan.Biodegradation of Phenanthrene in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Wastewater Revealed by Coupling Cultivation-Dependent and -Independent Approaches.Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(6): 3391-3401.
[159] Fu Guoqing; Dai Juan; Zhang Dayi; Zhu Lishan; Tang Xiao; Zhang Ling; Zhou Ting; Duan Peng; Quan Chao; Zhang Zhibing; Song Shizhen; Shi Yuqin.Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate induces apoptosis through mitochondrial pathway in GC-2spd cells.Environmental Toxicology, 2017, 32(3): 1055-1064.
[160] Song Mengke; Yang Ying; Jiang Longfei; Hong Qing; Zhang Dayi; Shen Zhenguo; Yin Hua; Luo Chunling*.Characterisation of the phenanthrene degradation-related genes and degrading ability of a newly isolated copper-tolerant bacterium.Environmental Pollution, 2017, 220: 1059-1067.
[161] Jia Jianli*; Hu Lei; Zheng Jiaxing; Zhai Yujia; Yao Peng; Zhao Shenwei; Shi Shaohe; Zhai Xiaobo; Zhang Dayi.Environmental Toxicity Analysis and Reduction of Ceramsite Synthesis from Industrial Coal Gasification Coarse Cinder Waste.Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017, 26(1): 147-153.
[162] Jia Jianli; Zong Shuang; Hu Lei; Shi Shaohe; Zhai Xiaobo; Wang Bingbing; Li Guanghe; Zhang Dayi*.The Dynamic Change of Microbial Communities in Crude Oil-Contaminated Soils from Oil Fields in China.Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2017, 26(2): 171-183.
[163] Su Yuping; Zhang Chaowei; Liu Jianxi; Weng Yuan; Li Helong; Zhang Dayi*.Assessing the impacts of phosphorus inactive clay on phosphorus release control and phytoplankton community structure in eutrophic lakes.Environmental Pollution, 2016, 219: 620-630.
[164] Wang Xinzi; Zhao Xiaohui; Li Hanbing; Jia Jianli; Liu Yueciiao; Ejenavi Odafe; Ding Aizhong; Sun Yujiao; Zhang Dayi*.Separating and characterizing functional alkane degraders from crude-oil-contaminated sites via magnetic nanoparticle-mediated isolation.Research in Microbiology, 2016, 167(9-10): 731-744.
[165] Jiang Longfei; Song Mengke; Yang Li; Zhang Dayi; Sun Yingtao; Shen Zhenguo; Luo Chunling; Zhang Gan.Exploring the Influence of Environmental Factors on Bacterial Communities within the Rhizosphere of the Cu-tolerant plant, Elsholtzia splendens.Scientific Reports, 2016, 6(1): 36302.
[166] Song Mengke; Jiang Longfei; Zhang Dayi; Luo Chunling*; Wang Yan; Yu Zhiqiang; Yin Hua; Zhang Gan.Bacteria capable of degrading anthracene, phenanthrene, and fluoranthene as revealed by DNA based stable-isotope probing in a forest soil.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 308: 50-57.
[167] Xu, Yunfeng; Xu, Xiangjian; Hou, Hetian; Zhang, Jia; Zhang, Dayi; Qian, Guangren*.Moisture content-affected electrokinetic remediation of Cr(VI)-contaminated clay by a hydrocalumite barrier.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(7): 6517-6523.
[168] Su, Yuping; You, Xuejing; Lin, Hui; Zhuang, Huiru; Weng, Yuan; Zhang, Dayi.Recruitment of cyanobacteria from the sediments in the eutrophic Shanzi Reservoir.Environmental Technology, 2016, 37(6): 641-651.
[169] Lin Zhong; Bai Jing; Zhen Zhen; Lao Shiqi; Li Wenyan; Wu Zhihao; Li Yongtao*; Spiro Baruch; Zhang Dayi.Enhancing pentachlorophenol degradation by vermicomposting associated bioremediation.Ecological Engineering, 2016, 87: 288-294.
[170] Wang Shaorui; Wang Yan; Luo Chunling; Jiang Longfei; Song Mengke; Zhang Dayi; Wang Yujie; Zhang Gan.Could Uptake and Acropetal Translocation of PBDEs by Corn Be Enhanced Following Cu Exposure? Evidence from a Root Damage Experiment.Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50(2): 856-863.
[171] Zhao Xiaohui; Li Hanbing; Ding Aihong; Zhou Guizhong; Sun Yujiao; Zhang Dayi*.Preparing and characterizing Fe3O4@cellulose nanocomposites for effective isolation of cellulose-decomposing microorganisms.Materials Letters, 2016, 163: 154-157.
[172] Lin, Zhong; Zhen, Zhen; Wu, Zhihao; Yang, Jiewen; Zhong, Laiyuan; Hu, Hanqiao; Luo, Chunling; Bai, Jing; Li, Yongtao*; Zhang, Dayi*.The impact on the soil microbial community and enzyme activity of two earthworm species during the bioremediation of pentachlorophenol-contaminated soils.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 301: 35-45.
[173] Jia Jianli; Li Hanbing; Zong Shuang; Jiang Bo; Li Guanghe; Ejenavi Odafe; Zhu Jingrong; Zhang Dayi*.Magnet bioreporter device for ecological toxicity assessment on heavy metal contamination of coal cinder sites.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2016, 222: 290-299.
[174] Li Cui; Pengyu Chen; Bifeng Zhang; Dayi Zhang; Junyi Li; Francis L. Martin; Kaisong Zhang.Interrogating chemical variation via layer-by-layer SERS during biofouling and cleaning of nanofiltration membranes with further investigations into cleaning efficiency.Water Research, 2015, 87: 282-291.
[175] Song, Mengke; Luo, Chunling*; Jiang, Longfei; Zhang, Dayi; Wang, Yujie; Zhang, Gan.Identification of Benzo[a]pyrene-Metabolizing Bacteria in Forest Soils by Using DNA-Based Stable-Isotope Probing.Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2015, 81(21): 7368-7376.
[176] Guizhong Zhou; Zhaofeng Wang; Wenqian Li; Qian Yao; Dayi Zhang.Graphene-oxide modified polyvinyl-alcohol as microbial carrier to improve high salt wastewater treatment.Materials Letters, 2015, 156: 205-208.
[177] Yunfeng Xu; Chunzi Ma; Qiang Liu; Beidou Xi; Guangren Qian; Dayi Zhang; Shouliang Huo.Method to predict key factors affecting lake eutrophication - A new approach based on Support Vector Regression model.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2015, 102: 308-315.
[178] Zhong Lin; Yunfeng Xu; Zhen Zhen; Yu Fu; Yueqiao Liu; Wenyan Li; Chunling Luo; Aizhong Ding; Dayi Zhang.Application and reactivation of magnetic nanoparticles in Microcystis aeruginosa harvesting.Bioresource Technology, 2015, 190: 82-88.
[179] Jiang, Longfei; Song, Mengke; Luo, Chunling; Zhang, Dayi; Zhang, Gan.Novel Phenanthrene-Degrading Bacteria Identified by DNA-Stable Isotope Probing.PLos One, 2015, 10(6): e0130846.
[180] Zhang, Dayi; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Yun; Zhou, Guizhong; Li, Guanghe.Innovative slow-release organic carbon-source material for groundwater in situ denitrification.Environmental Technology, 2015, 36(7): 909-919.
[181] Jiang, Bo; Song, Yizhi; Zhang, Dayi; Huang, Wei E.; Zhang, Xu; Li, Guanghe*.The influence of carbon sources on the expression of the recA gene and genotoxicity detection by an Acinetobacter bioreporter.Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts , 2015, 17(4): 835-843.
[182] Zhang, Dayi; Berry, James P; Zhu, Di; Wang, Yun; Chen, Yin; Jiang, Bo; Huang, Shi; Langford, Harry; Li, Guanghe; Davison, Paul A; Xu, Jian; Aries, Eric; Huang, Wei E.Magnetic nanoparticle-mediated isolation of functional bacteria in a complex microbial community.The ISME Journal, 2015, 9(3): 603-614.
[183] Zhang Dayi*; Zhou Guizhong; Zhang Xu; Wang Yun; Li Guanghe.Structure and mass transportation model of slow-release organic carbon-source material for groundwater in situ denitrification.Environmental Technology, 2015, 36(3): 395-403.
[184] Sun Guangdong; Zhang Xu; Hu Qing; Zhang Heqing; Zhang Dayi; Li Guanghe*.Biodegradation of Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) and Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) with Plant and Nutrients and Their Effects on the Microbial Ecological Kinetics.Microbial Ecology, 2015, 69(2): 281-292.
[185] Jiang Bo; Zhu Di; Song Yizhi; Zhang Dayi; Liu Zengjun; Zhang Xu; Huang Wei E; Li Guanghe*.Use of a whole-cell bioreporter, Acinetobacter baylyi, to estimate the genotoxicity and bioavailability of chromium(VI)-contaminated soils.Biotechnology Letters, 2015, 37(2): 343-348.
[186] Mengke Song; Chunling Luo; Fangbai Li; Longfei Jiang; Yan Wang; Dayi Zhang; Gan Zhang.Anaerobic degradation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls Ethers (PBDEs), and microbial community dynamics of electronic waste-contaminated soil.Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 502: 426-433.
[187] Xu, Yunfeng; Li, Chengcai; Zhu, Xia; Huang, Wei E; Zhang, Dayi*.Application of magnetic nanoparticles in drinking water purification.Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2014, 13(8): 2023-2029.
[188] Ali Adnan Al-Anizi; Maria Theresa Hellyer; Dayi Zhang.Toxicity assessment and modelling of Moringa oleifera seeds in water purification by whole cell bioreporter.Water Research, 2014, 56: 77-87.
[189] Xu Yunfeng; Ma Chunzi; Huo Shouliang; Zhang Dayi; Xu Zhiping; Qian Guangren*; Xi Beidou.Establishing Reference Conditions for Lake Water Quality: A Novel Extrapolation Approach.Water Resources Management, 2014, 28(8): 2161-2178.
[190] Wang, Yun; Zhang, Dayi; Davison, Paul A; Huang, Wei E.Bacterial whole-cell biosensors for the detection of contaminants in water and soils.Methods Mol Biol, 2014, 1096: 155-168.
[191] Li Chuan; Zhang Dayi; Song Yizhi; Jiang Bo; Li Guanghe; Huang Wei E*.WHOLE CELL BIOREPORTER FOR THE ESTIMATION OF OIL CONTAMINATION.Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2013, 12(7): 1353-1358.
[192] Chen Cheng; Zhang Dayi*; Thornton Steven F; Duan Musen; Luo Yanjun; Ding Aizhong; Huang Wei E.FUNCTIONALIZATION AND IMMOBILIZATION OF WHOLE CELL BIOREPORTERS FOR THE DETECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION.Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2013, 12(7): 1417-1422.
[193] Dayi Zhang; Aizhong Ding; Shuangchao Cui; Cheng Hu; Steven F. Thornton; Junfeng Dou; Yujiao Sun; Wei E. Huang.Whole cell bioreporter application for rapid detection and evaluation of crude oil spill in seawater caused by Dalian oil tank explosion.Water Research, 2013, 47(3): 1191-1200.
[194] Zhang, Dayi; Zhao, Yun; He, Yi; Wang, Yun; Zhao, Yiyu; Zheng, Yi; Wei, Xia; Zhang, Litong; Li, Yuzhen; Jin, Tao; Wu, Lin; Wang, Hui; Davison, Paul A; Xu, Junguang; Huang, Wei E.Characterization and Modeling of Transcriptional Cross-Regulation in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1.ACS Synthetic Biology, 2012, 1(7): 274-283.
[195] Zhang, Dayi; He, Yi; Wang, Yun; Wang, Hui; Wu, Lin; Aries, Eric; Huang, Wei E.Whole-cell bacterial bioreporter for actively searching and sensing of alkanes and oil spills.Microbial Biotechnology, 2012, 5(1): 87-97.
[196] Zhang, Dayi; Fakhrullin, Rawil F; Ozmen, Mustafa; Wang, Hui; Wang, Jian; Paunov, Vesselin N; Li, Guanghe; Huang, Wei E.Functionalization of whole-cell bacterial reporters with magnetic nanoparticles.Microbial Biotechnology, 2011, 4(1): 89-97.
[197] Guo Huaming*; Li Guanghe; Zhang Dayi; Zhang Xu; Lu Chang'ai.Nitrogen balance and dynamics as affected by water table and fertilization management in celery (Apium graveolens) cropping system of southwestern China.African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2007, 2(4): 139-149.
[1] Xu Yunfeng; Fu Yu; Zhang Dayi*.Cost-effectiveness Analysis on Magnetic Harvesting of Algal Cells.1st International Symposium on Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications - Academic-Industry Meet, 2016-03-29 to 2016-03-31.
[2] Li Hanbing; Li Cui; Martin Francis L; Zhang Dayi*.Diagnose Pathogens in Drinking Water via Magnetic Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Assay.1st International Symposium on Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications - Academic-Industry Meet, 2016-03-29 to 2016-03-31.
[3] Wang Yun; Zhang Dayi; Huang Wei E.Synthetic biology approach for mining new enzymes from unculturable microorganisms.
[4] Guo Huaming*; Li Guanghe; Zhang Xu; Yan Fei; Zhang Dayi; Lu Changai.Spatial research of denitrification and nitrification potential of agricultural soils in relation to fertilization practice.Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Water Resources and the Urban Environment, 2003-11-09 to 2003-11-10.
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