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2、意大利国际理论物理中心正规协联成员(Regular Associate)。




4、美国《Physical Review Letters》及《Physical Review B》特约评审人。


5、《Mathematical Review》特邀评论员。













































轨道简并关联系统:提出轨道简并自旋系统的SU(4)理论,研究了自旋系统在有轨道自由度时的对称性及物理特性。指出在许多二维格点上,基态不具有长程序,这将有助于解释在LiNiO2中观察到的自旋液体特性。对一维模型用非微扰方法研究了基态和低激发态特性。解出准粒子色散关系和激发谱,并描绘了相应的直观图象。揭示了二重简并电子系统的基础对称性和隐藏的电荷对称性。证明在半满时等价与SO(6) 海森堡模型,在1/4填充时等价与SU(4) 海森堡模型。分析了由各向异性耦合及外场引起的各种可能的对称破缺。解出一维激发态准粒子色散关系。把关于自旋1/2的海森堡模型的LSM定理成功推广到与其它凝聚态模型有关的高阶对称群的情形。引入了3个Landè g因子,并系统地讨论了各种对称破缺。用LSM方法研究了4分量的Hubbard-like模型中基态和激发态的性质,严格地证明了该模型中基态是非简并的,而激发态的所有能带填充是无能隙的。


量子有序现象及其表征: 运用t-J模型研究了铜氧化物超导体中共振共价态电荷序问题。用重整化平均场理论估算电荷序存在时的能量。长程库仑作用势使电荷趋向密度分布不均匀导致稳定的电荷序共振共价态可以存在。讨论了它和近期铜氧化物高温超导体遂穿电导实验中观察到的4×4棋盘格子的可能联系。 在量子纠缠以及量子相变方面, 我们研究了扩展Hubbard模型中的局域纠缠问题。结果表明,在相变发生的临界点,局域纠缠达到最大或者出现奇异性。对于传统的Hubbard模型,临界点的标度行为表明局域纠缠是U的解析函数。我们还研究了局域纠缠对填充因子的依赖性。当填充因子为2/3或者1时,局域纠缠最大。在强耦合极限下,1/3填充具有最大局域纠缠,这表明具有最大对称性的基态拥有最大局域纠缠。这项工作第一次显示了纠缠能被用于确定费米子系统中的量子相变。通过应用李代数An的基本表示,提出了concurrence向量,以此提供一个清晰的判据来评价任意维双系统的纠缠。研究了concurrence C与SUq(2)代数的关系,XXZ模型在零K时的量子相变和关联长度ξ的依赖性. 结果表明,在临界点附近有C=C0-ξ/2。对不同尺度的系统,有一个关于关联长度ξ的普适标度函数C。研究了双qutrit系统的纠缠,如Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick模型等。氢原子中精细相互作用下外层电子和原子核间的热力学纠缠以及冷锂原子气中电子和核之间的纠缠,锂原子在超精细相互作用下的基态纠缠和热纠缠。


自旋电子学理论基础:我们给出了SU(2)×U(1)规范理论下统一的自旋与电荷流的定义式。在自旋轨道耦合下,自旋流并不守恒,而是在协变形式下满足流守恒方程。同时,轨道自旋流在电磁场中也不守恒。我们还得到了由SU(2)规范场提供的与自旋相关的力。 对于自旋输运中的的线性响应问题,我们研究了对非阿贝尔场的Kubo公式。结果表明,SU(2)流的不守恒部分保证了两种不同规范下的自恰性。在具有平方色散关系的系统中,对于SU(2)外场响应的自旋流为零。我们得出的Kubo公式可以推广到高自旋表示,如应用于研究双层自旋霍尔效应以及Luttinger 模型中的自旋霍尔效应。 应用Schwinger-boson平均场方法,我们研究了各项异性自旋环中由SU(2)磁通诱导的持续自旋流问题。各项异性有助于增强持续自旋流。对于二维电子系统中自旋霍尔电导在杂质存在下是否为零的争论,我们研究了磁性杂质下的自旋霍尔电导。应用Kubo线性响应理论并考虑顶角修正,我们发现自旋霍尔电导不为零,并且依赖于动量弛豫时间、自旋轨道劈裂和各项异性系数。在净极限下,自旋霍尔电导的取值范围为e/8–e/6。此外,我们还研究了准一维气体模型中不同程度的混沌对热载流子扩散及热传导行为的影响。数值计算验证了导热系数和扩散系数的指数之间满足一定的关系。并讨论了不同程度的混沌时温度曲线受有限尺度效应的影响。




随着玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚研究的蓬勃发展,我们对有δ函数形式排斥作用的一维多分量玻色系统展开了深入研究。用Bethe-ansatz和量子反散射方法,考虑SU(2)内部自由度的情况,首次发现二分量玻色子系统的基态为赝自旋铁磁态,并确定激发态有三类准粒子。求出二分量玻色格点模型的强耦合等效模型为铁磁Heisenberg 模型并给出其自旋波激发形式;提出二分量玻色系统的铁磁基态可完全来源于动力学驱动。进一步研究了SU(3)玻色子模型,玻色及玻色-费米混合模型的基态和激发态的特点。我们把自旋1/2 bond operators推广到自旋s≥1的情况。用Lieb-Schultz- Mattis方法研究了4分量的Hubbard-like模型中基态和激发态的性质,严格地证明了该模型中基态是非简并的,而激发态的所有能带填充是无能隙的。 我们研究了非简谐势中快速旋转的BEC中一些与涡旋态有关的现象,证明了所研究的体系中能够形成带多个单位角动量的涡旋,结果很好地解释了实验中所呈现出的令人迷惑的现象;首次研究了外加电场对快速旋转BEC的影响,发现外加电场不仅会使体系变得更加稳定,还会使涡旋格点和粒子数密度分布发生平移。我们研究了光诱导的非阿贝尔规范势在冷原子中的效应,指出振幅随时间和空间变化的激光能够直接同时诱导非阿贝尔规范矢势和标势。以快速旋转的BEC体系为例,研究了该规范势对Landau能级的性质和旋转BEC的基态相图的影响。我们研究了双原子体系中原子-分子转化的问题。研究结果表明,Feshbach共振协助的受激Raman绝热通道(STIRAP)技术能有效地将玻色-费米混合物转化为分子而单纯的Feshbach共振技术则不能。我们还用该技术研究了将处在不同自旋态上的费米混合物转化到分子的问题。通过引入相干布局数囚禁(CPT)态的保真度,我们阐明了原子-分子的转化率与体系绝热演化性质之间的联系。此外,我们研究了双势阱中不可区分的两分量BEC体系的动力学问题。我们讨论了该体系的各类不动点的存在情况及其稳定性,并从两种典型的基态出发,研究了体系的绝热演化性质,发现不同分量粒子间的相互作用会影响粒子在两个阱中的布局数,这些结果有望对实验上如何操纵BEC的粒子数分布提供参考。


与生物物质模型相关的交叉课题:我们研究了溶液环境对蛋白质折叠的影响及蛋白质集聚时类疯牛病蛋白折叠行为。我们引入溶液环境的影响来研究蛋白质结构的可设计度问题。采用了简化的HP格点模型。研究表明,当引入溶液环境的影响时,不同蛋白质序列的能隙将沿不同的方式变化,特别是,在没有溶液环境影响下具有较高能隙的序列,在引入环境影响时其能隙增加的更迅速,从而使其更稳定地处于基态。 另一方面,研究了受电场驱动二维胶体(衬底上随机分布钉杂)的动力学相,给出了相图。研究了螺旋波在极化电场下的漂移行为。数值模拟结果显示螺旋的漂移速度可以通过改变电场的极化形式来控制。当极化电场为圆偏振并且旋转方向与螺旋波方向相同时,漂移速度最大。反之,电场则将抑制漂移。基于弱形变近似的解析结果与数值结果一致。





发表论文100余篇(其中权威性杂志Phys. Rev.Lett.4篇),其中多数论文引起国内外同行关注或被多次引用。


《量子力学简明教程》 浙江大学出版社 2010





1. You-Quan Li, Ye-Hua Liu and Yi Zhou, General spin order theory via gauge Landau-Lifshitz equation, Phys. Rev. B. 84, 205123 (2011)

2. Li-Hua Lu, Xiao-Qiang Xu and You-Quan Li,The role of inter-well tunnelling strength on coherence dynamics of two-species Bose-Einstein condensates, J. Phys. B 44, 145301(2011)

3. H.B. Chen, Y. Zhou, and You-Quan Li, The splitting of the electromagnon mode in conically spiral multiferroic magnets, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 066002.

4. N.J. Hui, X.Q. Xu, and You-Quan Li, Instability of Bose-Einstein condensates in tilted lattices with time-periodical modulation, J. Phys. B 43, 205307 (2010)

5. Y.Y. Ji and You-Quan Li, The role of secondary structure in protein structure selection, Eur. Phys. J. E 32, 103 (2010)

6. L.Y Deng, H. Zhang, and You-Quan Li, Resonant drift of two-armed spirals by a electric fields and periodic modulation of excitability, Phys. Rev. E 81, 016204 (2010)

7. L.H. Lu and You-Quan Li, Dynamics for partially coherent Bose-Einstein condensates in a double well, Phys. Rev. A 80, 033619 (2009)

8. X.Q. Xu, L.H. Lu and You-Quan Li, Enhancing molecular conversion efficiency by a magnetic field pulse, Phys. Rev. A 80, 033621 (2009)

9. X.Q. Xu, L.H. Lu and You-Quan Li, Phase separation in atom-molecule mixtures near a Feshbach resonance, Phys. Rev. A 79, 043604 (2009)

10. L.Y Deng, H. Zhang, and You-Quan Li, Stabilization of multiarmed spiral waves by circularly polarized electric fields, Phys. Rev. E 79, 036107 (2009)

11. J.X. Chen, H. Zhang, and You-Quan Li, Synchronization of a spiral by a circularly polarized electric field in reaction-diffusion systems, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 124510 (2009)

12. P.Q. Jin and You-Quan Li, Tunnelling spin current and spin diode behaviour in a bilayer system, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 055601 (2009)

13. L.H. Lu and You-Quan Li, Some features in multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 185, 012023(2009)

14. Y. Li and You-Quan Li, Spin dynamics of two-dimensional electrons with Rashba spin-orbit coupling and electron-electron interactions, Phys. Rev. B 78, 195325 (2008)

15. X.Q. Xu, L.H. Lu and You-Quan Li, Stability and dynamical property for two-species ultracold atoms in double wells, Phys. Rev. A 78, 043609 (2008)

16. L.H. Lu and You-Quan Li, Atom-to-molecule conversion efficiency and adiabatic fidelity, Phys. Rev. A 77, 053611 (2008)

17. P.Q. Jin and You-Quan Li, Understanding spin transport from the motion in SU(2)xU(1) fields Phys. Rev. B 77, 155304 (2008)

18. P. Wang and You-Quan Li, Influence of inelastic relaxation time on intrinsic spin Hall effects in a disordered two-dimensional electron gas,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 215206 (2008)

19. Y. Li and You-Quan Li, Strain-assisted spin manipulation in a quantum well, Eur. Phys. J. B 63, 493-500 (2008)

20. P.Q. Jin and You-Quan Li, Linear response theory for the spin transport, Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B 22, 70 (2008)

21. L.H. Lu and You-Quan Li, Rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in an applied electric field, Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B 22(17), 2691-2699 (2008)

22. You-Quan Li and G.Q. Zhu, Concurrence vectors for entanglement of high-dimensional systems, Front. Phys. China, 3(3), 250-257 (2008)

23. J.W. Mao, You-Quan Li, and L.Y. Deng, heat conduction in homogeneous and heterogeneous billiard systems, Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B 22(22), 3901-3914 (2008)

24. P.Q. Jin and You-Quan Li, Magnification of the spin Hall effect in a bilayer electron gas,Phys. Rev. B 76, 235311 (2007)

25. L.H. Lu and You-Quan Li, Conversion of $^{40}$K-$^{87}$Rb mixtures into stable molecules, Phys. Rev. A 76, 053608 (2007)

26. L.H. Lu and You-Quan Li, The effects of optically induced non-Abelian gauge field in cold atoms,Phys. Rev. A 76, 023410 (2007)

27. Y. Li and You-Quan Li, Spin relaxation of two-dimensional electrons with a hierarchy of spin-orbit couplings,J. Phys. Condens. Matter 19, 346231 (2007)

28. H.X. Huang,You-Quan Li, J.Y. Gan, Y. Chen, and F.C. Zhang, Unconventional superconducting symmetry in a checkerboard antiferromagnet studied via renormalized mean-field theory, Phys. Rev. B 75, 184523 (2007)

29. Y. Chen, Z.D. Wang, You-Quan Li and F. C. Zhang, Spin-orbital entanglement and quantum phase transitions in a spin-orbital chain with SU(2) x SU(2) symmetry Phys. Rev. B 75, 195113 (2007)

30. P. Wang, You-Quan Li, and X.A. Zhao, Nonvanishing of spin Hall current in the presence of magnetic impurities,Phys. Rev. B 75(7), 075326 (2007)

31. Z.X. Hu and You-Quan Li, Persistent spin current and entanglement in the anisotropic spin ring,Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 21(6), 327-337 (2007)

32. H. Zhao, X.A. Zhao, and You-Quan Li, Shot Noise for Entangled Electrons with Berry Phase,Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 21(7), 399-406 (2007)

33. P.Q. Jin and You-Quan Li, Generalized Kubo formula for spin transport: a theory of linear response to non-Abelian fieldsPhys. Rev. B 74, 085315 (2006)

34. J.W. Mao and You-Quan Li, Heat conductivity in the presence of a quantized degree of freedom, Europhys. Lett. 76(1), 42-48 (2006)

35. P.Q. Jin , You-Quan Li and F.C. Zhang,SU(2)xU(1) unified theory for charge, orbit and spin currents,J. Phys A: Math. Gen. 39, 7115-7123 (2006)

36. Z.X. Hu, Q.L. Zhang, and You-Quan Li, Ground state properties of one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures,J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39, 351 (2006)

37. J.X. Chen, H. Zhang, and You-Quan Li, Drift of spiral waves controlled by a polarized electric field, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 014505 (2006)

38. H. Zhang, J.X. Chen, You-Quan Li, and J.R. Xu, Control of spiral breakup by an alternating advective field, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 204503 (2006).

39. Y. Cheng, You-Quan Li, B. Chen, Persistent spin current in anisotropic spin ring, Physica E: Low-dimensional system & nanostructures 35, 1-5 (2006)

40. Z. Sun, X.G. Wang, A.Z. Hu, and You-Quan Li, Entanglement properties in (1/2,1) mixed-spin Heisenberg systems,Physica A: statistical mech. and appl. 370, 483-500 (2006)

41. L.H. Lu and You-Quan Li, Rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in an anharmonic confinement, Central European J. Phys. 4(3), 299-309 (2006)

42. H. Zhao, X.A. Zhao, You-Quan Li, Berry phases of a composite system in external fields, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 20 (18): 1121-1126 (2006)

43. J.W. Mao and You-Quan Li, Current progress on heat conductivity in one-dimensional gas channels (review article), Front of Phys. in China 1(4),428(2006)

44. You-Quan Li, Y.Y. Ji, J.W. Mao,and X.W. Tang,Medium effects on the selection of sequences folding into stable proteins in a simple model, Phys.Rev. E 72(2),021904 (2005)

45. Y.Y. Ji, You-Quan Li, J.W. Mao,and X.W. Tang, Model study of the prion-like folding behavior in aggregated proteins, Phys.Rev. E 72(4) 041912(2005)

46. J.W. Mao, You-Quan Li, and Y.Y. Ji, The Role of Chaos in One-Dimensional Heat Conductivity, Phys.Rev.E 71(6),061202(2005)

47. H.X. Huang, You-Quan Li and F.C. Zhang, Charge Ordered RVB States in the Doped Cuprates, Phys. Rev. B 71(18), 184514 (2005)

48. S.J. Gu, NMR Peres, and You-Quan Li, Numerical and Monte Carlo Bethe ansatz method: 1D Heisenberg model,Euro Phys. J. B 48, 157-165 (2005)

49. G.Q. Zhu, X.A. Zhao, and You-Quan Li, Entanglement of two qutrit system, Euro Phys. J. B 44, 359-364 (2005)

50. G.Q. Zhu, J.W. Mao, and You-Quan Li, Electron-nuclear entanglement in the cold lithium gas,Central European J. Phys. 3(4): 536-542 (2005)

51. B. Chen, X.Q. Shen, You-Quan Li, L.L. Sun, and Z.J. Ying, Dynamic theory for the mesoscopic electric circuit,Phys. Lett. A 335, 103-109 (2005)

52. HW Lai, X.A. Zhao and You-Quan Li, Spin filtering in the double-barrier structure, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 19, 989-997 (2005).

53. Z.Sun, X.G. Wang, and You-Quan Li Entanglement in dimerized and frustrated spin-one Heisenberg chains New J. Phys. 7, 83 (2005).

54. G.Q. Zhu, KC Du, and You-Quan Li,Electron-nuclear entanglement in hydrogen atomPhysica A, 346, 259 (2005).

55. S.J. Gu, SS Deng, You-Quan Li and H.Q. Lin Local entanglement and quantum phase transition in the extended Hubbard modelPhys. Rev. Lett 93, 086402 (2004)

56. S.J. Gu, Li HB, You-Quan Li, and H.Q. Lin,The entanglement of Heisenberg chain with next-nearest-neighbor interactionPhys. Rev. A 70, 052302 (2004)

57. You-Quan Li, GS Tian, M Ma and H.Q. LinOn the ground state and excitation of four-component fermion model Phys. Rev. B 70, 233105 (2004)

58. S.J. Gu, You-Quan Li and HQ Zhou Phase diagram and symmetry breaking of SU(4) spin-orbital chain in a generalized external fieldPhys. Rev. B 69, 144405 (2004)

59. Q.L. Zhang, S.J. Gu, and You-Quan LiSome exact results for one-dimensional two-band SU(2) bosonsEur. Phys. J. B, 40, 191-200 (2004)

60. Y.H. Chen, X.A. Zhao, You-Quan LiSpin filtering through multi-delta-magnetic-barrier structuresSemicond. Sci.and Tech. 19(7): 930-934 ( 2004)

61. S.J. Gu, H.Q. Lin and Li YQ Entanglement, quantum phase transition and scaling in XXZ chainPhys. Rev. A 68, 042330 (2003)

62. You-Quan Li, S.J. Gu, Z.J. Ying, and U Eckern,Exact results of the ground state and excitation properties of a two-component interacting Bose systemEurophys. Lett. 61(3), 368-374 (2003)

63. Yang K and You-Quan Li,Rigorous proof of pseudospin ferromagnetism in 2-component bosonic systems with component-independent interactions Inter. J.Mod.Phys. 17 (7) 1027-1033 (2003)

64. Shik HY, You-Quan Li, and H.Q. LinConstructing exactly soluble quantum spin models Nucl. Phys. B 666 (3): 337-360 (2003)

65. You-Quan Li, S.J. Gu, and Z.J. Ying,One dimensional SU(3) bosons with delta- function interaction J. Phys.A: Math Gen. 36, 2821-2838(2003)

66. S.J. Gu, You-Quan Li, Z.J. Ying, Low temperature properties of one-dimensional SU(4) Hubbard-like model at low concentrationEur. Phys. J. B 33, 147-152 (2003)

67. B. Chen, Shen XJ and You-Quan Li,Dynamic Stark ladders in the mesoscopic metallic ringsPhys.Lett.A 313, 431 (2003)

68. S.J. Gu and You-Quan Li,Magnetic properties of SU(4) spin-orbital chain, Phys. Rev. B 66, 092404 (2002)

69. X.A. Zhao, GJ Jin, QN Zhou, and You-Quan LiTransmission, S-matrix, and partial densities of states for ac transport through a resonant cavity with miltileads, Phys. Rev. B 66, 045321 (2002)

70. T Lu and You-Quan Li,Mesoscopic circuit with linear dissipationsMod. Phys. Lett. B 16 (2002) 975

71. S.J. Gu, You-Quan Li, Z.J. Ying, and X.A. Zhao, Thermodynamics of two-component bosons in one dimension, Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B 16, 2137 (2002)

72. Z.J. Ying, You-Quan Li, S.J. Gu, and B. Chen,Extension of Bethe ansatz to multiple occupancies for one dimensional SU(4) fermions with delta-function interaction, J. Math. Phys. 43, 5977 (2002)

73. Rigorous results on a hierarchy of generalized Heisenberg model You-Quan Li, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (12): 127208 (2001)

74. Trapped interacting two-component bosons in one dimensionS J Gu, You-Quan Li and Z J Ying, J. Phys. A: Math Gen (2001)

75. Symmetries in the Hubbard model with n-fold orbital degeneracy Z J Ying, You-Quan Li and S J Gu, J. Math. Phys. 42 ,4865-4872 (2001)

76. Multi-particle scattering at a same position in the Bethe ansatz for two-band electrons with spin-exchange interactionZ.J. Ying, You-Quan Li, and S.J. Gu, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34(2001)3939-3946

77. Thermodynamics of trapped interacting bosons in one dimension S J Gu, You-Quan Li and Z J Ying,J. Math. Phys. 42(2), 765-772 (2001)

78. Commutaion relations in mesoscopic electric circuits You-Quan Li, Talk at International conference on Spin-Statistics Connection and Commutation Relations, Capri Island, Italy 2000/ AIP conference proceedings Vol.552 (New York 2000) pp.85 [ cond-mat/0009352]

79. Theory of electrons with orbital degeneracy You-Quan Li and U. Eckern, Phys. Rev. B 62(23), 15497-15498 (2000)

80. One dimensional model for doubly degenerate electrons You-Quan Li, S.J. Gu, Z.J. Ying and U. Eckern, Phys. Rev. B 62 (8), 4866-4879 (2000)

81. Thermodynamics of kondo model with electronic interactions S J Gu, You-Quan Li and H Q Lin, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33(2000)6779-6789

82. Quantum theory for mesoscopic electric circuits and its applications You-Quan Li and B Chen, Talk at 3rd IMACS/IEEE inter. conference, Athens 1999 [ cond-mat/9907171]: published in ``Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computer Science '' (WSES press 1999) pp., 267-272.

83. Ground state and excitations of spin chain with orbital degeneracy You-Quan Li, M Ma, D N Shi and F C Zhang,Phys. Rev. B 60, 12781 (1999)

84. SU(4) theory for spin systems with orbital degeneracy, You-Quan Li, M Ma, D N Shi and F C Zhang,Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3527(1998)

85. The Hubbard quantum wireYou-Quan Li and Ch. Gruber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1034 (1998)

86. Quantization of electrical circuit with the discreteness of electrical charges,You-Quan Li and B Chen, Commu. Theor. Phys. 29, 137 (1998)

87. Exact results for a Kondo impurity with electronic correlations, You-Quan Li, P.A. Bares, Phys. Rev. B56(18),R11384 (1997) [ cond-mat/9708076]

88. Msoscopic quantum circuit theory to the persistent current and Coulomb blockade,You-Quan Li, Talk at 5th Int. Wigner Symp, Vienna 1997, [ cond-mat/9709261 ]:published in its proceeding (World Sci. Singapore) pp. 307

89. Delta-function spin-1/2 fermions in a one-dimensional potential well You-Quan Li and J H Dai, Phys. Rev. A 53, 3743(1996) [ hep-th/9606182 ]

90. Quantum theory for mesoscopic electric circuits,You-Quan Li and B Chen, Phys. Rev. B 53, 4027 (1996) [ cond-mat/9606206 ]

91. Prolongation Approach to Backlund Transformation of Zhiber-Mikhailov-Shabat EquationH X Yang and You-Quan Li J. Math. Phys. 37, 3491 (1996)

92. An exactly solvable model of the persistent currents in presence of hard-core interaction in a one dimensional mesoscopic ring,You-Quan Li and Z S Ma, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 65, 1519(1996) [ cond-mat/9607004 ]

93. The Spectrum of quantum parity nonlinear Schroedinger model,You-Quan Li, Phys. Lett. A 212, 241-246 (1996)

94. Squeezing effects in the coupled mesoscopic electric circuits, B. Chen, You-Quan Li, J. Sha and Q.R. Zhang, Chin. Sci. Bull. 41(13), 1084-1087 (1996)

95. On boundary condition of single particle and the spectrum of many-particles You-Quan Li, Proc. Satellite Meeting of STATPHYS-19, (World Sci. Singapore) pp. 236-241

96. Exact results of hard-core interaction system with a single impurity. You-Quan Li and Z S Ma, Phys. Rev. B 52, R13071(1995) [ cond-mat/9607041]

97. Delta-function bosons in one dimensional potential well, You-Quan Li, Phys. Rev. A 52, 65 (1995)

98. Constructing solvable models of quantum measurement process, You-Quan Li and Y. X. Chen, Phys. Lett. A 202, 325 (1995)

99. A possibility of space-time discreteness, You-Quan Li, Commun. Theor. Phys. 24, 255 (1995)

100. Solutions of n-simplex Equation from Solutions of Braid Group RepresentationYou-Quan Li and Z N Hu, J. Phys. A 28 (1995) L219

101. Solving Backlund transformations with harmonic mapping equation via Killing vectors You-Quan Li and X.G. Dong, Gernal Relativity and Gravitaion 27(11), 1231-1235(1995)

102. Comment on the comment of deformation quantum mechanics You-Quan Li and Z.M. Sheng, Commu. Theor. Phys. 24(3), 384(1995) [ ps.gz ]

103. Quantum effects in the mesoscopic circuit B Chen, You-Quan Li, H Fang, Z K Jiao and Q R Zhang,Phys. Lett. A 205, 121-124(1995)

104. R-matrices via new trigonometric Yang-BaxterizationYou-Quan Li and J Zhang, Commun. Theor. Phys. 21(4), 435-440(1994)

105. From braid group representations with four eigenvalues to solutions of Yang-Baxter equation You-Quan Li, L.Y. Wang and J. Zhang, Commun. Theor. Phys. 21(2), 167-172(1994)

106. Yang-Baxterization You-Quan Li, J. Math. Phys. 34 (2), 757-767(1993)

107. Multi-parameter solutions of YBE from BGR You-Quan Li, J. Math. Phys. 34 (2), 768-774(1993)

108. Uniformization in Riemann surfaces and Liouville field theory (in Chinese)J M Shen, Z.M. Sheng and You-Quan Li, Acta Physica Sinica 42, 1(1993)

109. Self Yang-Baxterization of braid group representations You-Quan Li, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference of Differential and Geometric Method in Theoretical Physics, ed. by C.N. Yang and M.L. Ge (World Scientific), pp. 280-289

110. General form of BGR associated with A_n and its Yang-Baxterization You-Quan Li, Phys. Lett. A 161(5), 411-415(1992)

111. Representations of braid group with transpose symmetry and the related link invariants You-Quan Li, J. Phys. A 25(24), 6713-6721(1992)

112. A q-deformation of quantum mechanics You-Quan Li and Z.M. Sheng, J. Phys. A 25(24), 6779-6788(1992)

113. Representations of braid group and Birman-Wenzl algebra You-Quan Li, L.Y. Wang and J. Zhang, Phys. Lett. A 162(6), 449-452(1992)

114. Weight conservation condition and structure of braid group representations You-Quan Li, M.L. Ge, K. Xue and L.Y.Wang, J. Phys. A 24(15), 3443-3454(1991)

115. Polynomials from nonstandard braid group representations You-Quan Li and M.L. Ge, Phys. Lett. A 152(5,6), 273-275(1991)

116. Link polynomials related to the new braid group representations You-Quan Li and M.L. Ge, J. Phys. A 24(18), 4241-4247(1991)

117. Auxiliary linear equations for a class of nonlinear partial differential equations via jet-bundle formulation You-Quan Li, J. Math. Phys. 31(6), 1381-1387(1990)

118. Extended state expansions and universality of Witten version of link polynomial theory M.L. Ge, You-Quan Li and K. Xue, Inter. J. Mod. Phys. A 5(10), 1975-2003(1990)

119. Extended state model and group approach to new polynomials M.L. Ge, You-Quan Li and K. Xue, J. Phys. A 23(5), 619-639(1990) [ abs pdf]

120. The braid group representations associated with some nonfundamental representations of Lie algebra M.L. Ge, You-Quan Li, L.Y. Wang and K. Xue, J. Phys. A 23(5), 605-618(1990)

121. Prolongation structure and infinite-dim. algebra for the isotopic Landau-Lifshitz equation You-Quan Li and J.F. Lu, Phys. Lett. A 135(2), 117-119(1989)

122. Prolongation approach to the algebraic structure of principal chiral model and completely conserved currents J.F. Lu, M.L. Ge and You-Quan Li, Phys. Lett. A 135(3), 179-182(1989)

123. The Lie algebraic structure of anisotropic Landau-Lifshitz equation and its spectral problem J.F. Lu and You-Quan Li, Ann Physik 46(3), 230-232(1989)

124. Prolongation approach to the Liouville equation and its algebraic structure J.F. Lu and You-Quan Li, Commun. Theor. Phys. 11(1), 99-102(1989)

125. Self-dual Yang-Mill theory as a two-dimensional chiral model and its conservation law J.F. Lu and You-Quan Li, Commun. Theor. Phys. 12(4), 417-424(1989)

126. Prolongation method of finding Backlund transformation and Lax-pair of Ernst equation and Ernst-Maxwell equations You-Quan Li and M.L. Ge, Commun.Theor. Phys. 10(1),79-103(1988)





1 自旋轨道耦合系统中的自旋流与自旋霍尔效应 金佩卿; 李有泉 浙江大学物理系 【期刊】物理学进展 2009-12-20

2 介观耦合电路的量子压缩效应 李有泉; 沙键; 张其瑞; 陈斌 浙江大学物理系; 浙江大学物理系; 浙江大学物理系 杭州; 杭州师范学院物理系 【期刊】科学通报 1996-07-23

3 介观电路中电荷的量子效应 陈斌; 李有泉; 沙健; 张其瑞 浙江大学物理系; 杭州师范学院物理系 【期刊】物理学报 1997-01-30

4 黎曼面的单值化与刘维场论 沈建民; 盛正卯; 李有泉 浙江大学浙江近代物理中心; 杭州大学物理系; 浙江大学浙江近代物理中心 杭州 【期刊】物理学报 1993-01-31





Invited conference talks

1. Unified spin order theory via gauge Landau-Lifshitz equation,Hong Kong Forum of Physics 2010: Novel Quantum States and Methods (HK Dec. 2010 )

2. Foundations for quantum information and computation, The 8the Summer School on Theoretical Physics (Changchun, August. 2010)

3. On the second revolution of quantum physics, The annual meeting of Zhejiang Physical Society (Shaoxin November 2009)

4. Multi-component BECs, 2009 Hangzhou Workshop on Quantum Matter (Hangzhou, October 2009)

5. Spin current and spin Hall effect,Workshop on the quantum processing in restricted small systems (Zhangjiajie, April 2009)

6. Spin transport in two-dimensional system, Workshop on Semiconductor, Quantum Structure and Spintronics (Hangzhou, Dec. 2008)

7. Some features on multi-component BEC, the 8th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics (Perth, Nov. 2008)

8. Multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates, Cross-Strait Conference on Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter Physics (Jinhua, Nov 2008)

9. Spin current and spin Hall effect,WUN-Hangzhou International School on Spintronics (Hangzhou, July 2008)

10. Cold atoms making multi-component exactly solvable models hot,The Mini-workshop on Exactly Solvable Models and Their Application to Cold-Atom Systems( HK June 2008)

11. Spin current and spin Hall effect,OSA Workshop on Entanglement and Quantum Decoherence (Nara, January 2008)

12. On the spin current and spin Hall effect, The Mini-Workshop on the Frontiers of Computational Physics (HK, Oct. 2007)

13. Clarifying controversial issues of impurity effects in spin Hall conductivity Workshop on "Spin-Hall effect and spin-transsport-related phenomena"(威海 August 2007)

14. On the definition of spin current and the controversial issues of impurity effect in spin Hall conductivity 第九届全国磁学理论学术会议(合肥 August 2007)

15. The effects of optically induced non-Abelian gauge field in cold atoms 理论物理前沿问题研讨会(兰州 July 2007)

16. On the spin current and spin Hall effect量子物理前沿问题研讨会 (天津 June 2007)

17. On the definition of spin current and the controversial issues of impurity effect in spin Hall conductivity量子调控与强关联物理前沿研讨会(北京 January 2007)

18. Model study on the protein folding and misfolding behaviors, International Symposium on the Recent Progress in Quantitative and Systems Biology, (HK, Dec. 2006)

19. Spin Hall effect-spin transport related to non-Abelian fields,第十四届全国凝聚态理论与统计物理会议, (广州 Nov. 2006)

20. Spin Currents, Linear Response Theory to Non-Abelian Field, and so on, 2006年"自旋轨道耦合和自旋Hall效应"研讨会 (丽江,Aug 2006)

21. Generalized Kubo formula for spin transport: linear response theory to non-Abelian field,Institute of Advanced Studies @ NTU Workshop on Spintronics (Singapore, May 2006)

22. Charge order RVB states in the doped cuprate, etc.,1st Yangzi-River-Delta regional Workshop on strongly correlated system (上海, Feb 2006)

23. SU(2)xU(1) unified theory for charge, orbit and spin current Workshop on Mesoscopic and Spin Physics 2006 (Tsinchu, January 2006)

24. Lattice Model of Protein Folding and Prion-like Folding Behavior 凝聚态物理与材料科学及交叉研讨会 (宁波 Nov 2005)

25. SU(2)xU(1) unified theory for charge, orbit and spin current Advanced Study Institute on Science and Application of Spin Electronics (Hong Kong, Aug 2005)

26. SU(2)xU(1) unified theory for charge and spin current CCAST workshop on charge and spin coherent transport (北京 June 2005 )

27. Charge ordered RVB state in the doped cuprate Workshop on strongly correlated electrons, Hangzhou October 2004

28. Medium effects on the selection of sequences folding into stable proteins in a simple model the 4th OCPA Joint Meeting of Chinese Physicists World-Wide, Shanghai July 2004

29. On quantised mesoscopic circuit and spin polarized nanoscopic transport the 41th East Forum-"quantum manipulation", Shanghai June 2004

30. Psedu-spin ferromagnetic ground state of multi-component Bose system, Symposium on Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics, 兰州 Dec 2003

31. The ground state and excitation properties of two-component Bose system: exact results and rigorous proofs, 第十二届全国凝聚态理论与统计物理会议, 上海 Oct 2003

32. The phase diagram and symmetry breaking of SU(4) spin-orbital model in generalized external fields,中国物理学会2003年秋季会议, 合肥 Sep 2003

33. Magnetic properties of SU(4) spin-orbital model,National Annual Conference on Quantum Mechanics, 珠海 Feb 2003

34. On models with high rank symmetries in condensed matter physics,The 1st Inter. Conference on Condensed Matter Theory and Materials Calculation, 威海 July 2002

35. Correlated electrons in the presence of orbital degree of freedom or more,第十一届全国凝聚态理论与统计物理会议, 济南2001

36. On correlated systems with orbital degree of freedom 中国物理学会2001年秋季会议暨七届二次理事会, 上海2001

37. Correlated electrons with orbital degree of freedom, Workshop on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Low-dimensional Materials, Evora, Sept. 2000

38. Quantum theory for mesoscopic electric circuits and its applications 3rd IMACS/IEEE Inter. Multi-conferences, Athens July 1999



Contributed conferences talks

1. Medium effects on the selection of sequences folding into stable proteins in a simple model Workshop on biophysics and molecular biology, Beijing February 2004

2. On quantized mesoscopic electric circuitsInternational Symposium on Frontiers of Science— in Celebration of the 80th Birthday of ChenNing Yang, Tsinhua Univ., Beijing 2002

3. Exact results of two-component interacting bosons in one dimensionAPCTP-Nankai Joint Symposium, Tianjin 2001

4. Commutation relations in mesoscopic electric circuitsInternational Conference on Spin-Statistics Connection and Commutation Relations, Anna Capri 2000

5. SU(4) theory for spin systems with orbital degeneracy International Conference on Current Topics in QFT, Guangzhou 1998

6. Integrable models and Mott-insulatorsWorkshop on Quantum Phase Transition, Beijing, Summer 1998

7. Mesoscopic quantum circuit theory to the persistent current and Coulomb blockade,5th International Wigner Symposium, Vienna 1997

8. 介观电路量子化Forum of Chinese Young Scientists (青年科学家论坛), Beijing 1996

9. On boundary condition of single particle and the spectrum of many-particlesSatellite Meeting of STATPHYS-19, Tianjin 1995

10. On the construction of soluble models for quantum measurement process,CCAST-World Lab Workshop, Beijing 1995

11. On Yang-Baxterization of braid group representations21th International Conference of Differential and Geometric Method in Theoretical Physics, Tianjin 1992

12. On deformation of quantum mechanics,CCAST-World Lab Workshop, Beijing 1992

13. Prolongation method of finding Backlund transformation and Lax-pairs for nonlinear physical equations Nankai workshop on integrable models and conformal field theory, Tianjin 1988


Seminar talks

1. On the second revolution of quantum physics, Colloquium at Students' Physics Festival, Zhejiang University, December 2009

2. Spin current and spin Hall effect,Seminar at the Australian National University, November 2008

3. Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates, Symposium in Hangzhou Normal University, December 2007

4. On Spin current and spin Hall effect, Symposium in Hangzhou Normal University, December 2007

5. Spin current and spin Hall effect, Seminar at University of Hong Kong, HK, October 2007

6. Spin Hall effect-spin transport related to non-Abelian fields,Seminar at HuaNan normal university, Guangzhou, Nov. 2006

7. SU(2)xU(1) unified theory for charge, orbit and spin current,Seminar at S.S. Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai Univ., Tianjin, March 2006

8. Lattice model of protein folding and prion-like folding behavior,Seminar at University of Hong Kong, HK, May 2005

9. Quantum entanglement and quantum phase transitions,Seminar at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Sept 2004

10. Quantum entanglement and quantum phase transitions,Seminar at University of Hong Kong, HK, May 2004

11. Psedu-spin ferromagnetism for multi-component Bose system,Seminar at Hangzhou Teacher's College, Hangzhou, Dec 2003

12. The role of quantum theory in physics through 20th century,Training program of middle school teachers in Zhejiang Provence, Hangzhou, Nov 2003

13. Cooling atoms is now heating physics,Colloquium at Students' Physics Festival, Zhejiang University, October 2002

14. Cooling atoms is now heating physics,Colloquium at Zhejiang Normal University, Jinghua, October 2002

15. Why is correlated system interesting ?Seminar at North-East N. Univ, Changchun, May 2002

16. On quantization of mesoscopic electric circuits and applications,Seminar at University of Hong Kong, HK, March 2002,

17. Quantum theory for mesoscopic electric circuits and its applications,Seminar at Zhongshan Univ., Guangzhou, March 2002

18. Correlated electrons in the presence of orbital degree of freedom,Seminar at Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK, August 2001

19. Correlated electrons in the presence of orbital degree of freedom,Seminar at Halle University, Halle, June 2001

20. Commutation relations in mesoscopic electric circuits,Seminar at Lanzhou Univ. Lanzhou, Oct., 2000

21. SU(4) theory for spin system with orbital degeneracy,Seminar at Augsburg Univ., Augsburg, July 1999

22. On excitations of spin chain with orbital degeneracy,Seminars at Nankai Univ., Tianjin, Dec., 1998

23. Series lectures on lattice integrable models, Mott insulators and so on,Seminars at Nankai Univ., Tianjin, April 1998

24. On Hubbard model, and so on,Seminars at Shaoxin Polytech., Shaoxin, 1998

25. On the Hubbard quantum wire,Seminar at Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Dec. 1997

26. Weight conversation method for solving braid group representations,Seminar at Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy, Beijing 1990























——访国家自然科学奖二等奖获得者 长江特聘教授李有泉








从事纯理论研究的学者与做应用研究的学者有很大的不同,近代物理中心里没有一个真正意义上的实验室,这些理论物理学家的实验室就是他们发达的大脑,在需要数学推演的时候,李有泉还需要一支笔,几张纸,有时也会用计算机做些计算。谈到这个项目的创意,李有泉说,那是97年底,在美国访问时与合作者一起从不同角度的许多讨论和不断地深入研究后获得第一步重要突破的。 其实好的创意的基础在于平时的学术积累,李有泉解释,每天都有一些模型、一些图像、一些思路储存在大脑里,经过不断的数学推算、模型修正和图像完善,持之以恒,有时候就会产生“顿悟”获得飞跃性进展 。另外,与世界一流学者的接触和交流对保持高水平选题很重要。


一直以为李有泉是一个海归学者,一问才知道他还是个老浙大。1991年来到浙江近代物理中心做博士后,然后留校当老师,至今已有12年,当问到这里的工作条件时,他感叹到,浙江近代物理中心在十年前还是国内少有的硬件条件比较好的理论物理研究单位,十年来聚集了不少物理人才,为我国物理学科的发展作了很多贡献,现在中科院、清华大学、南京大学等科研院所与高校对物理研究越来越重视,硬件条件已大大超过了物理中心,言谈间流露出李有泉对近代物理中心的发展的殷切期望。 在国外做访问学者的时候,李有泉可以把几个月的时间“奢侈”地放在一个问题上,现在却有许多“重要”的事要分心,培养梯队、聘请外国专家等等,特别是很多表格之类在国外由教授的秘书可以作的事。这次采访中笔者就眼见李有泉为了为我们寻找并复印一页材料,化了十分钟时间。虽然工作状态上不去,但是这样的环境并没有难住李有泉,他已经在着手进一步的研究——强关联系统及介观体系物理研究。




































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