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姜勇,男,1968年1月生,河南信阳人,汉族,博士,现任中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所创新岗研究员、中国科学院研究生院教授,博士研究生导师。沈阳市农产品安全技术研究与服务中心副主任,辽宁省土壤学会秘书长,中国植物营养与肥料学会化肥专业委员会副主任,中国土壤学会会员,中国生态学会会员,International Association for Ecology会员。主持和参加科研项目20余项。在国内外学术刊物上发表论文143篇(其中SCI论文30篇,EI论文9篇);合著专著5部;授权国家发明专利3项;获辽宁省政府优秀新产品奖一等奖1项,辽宁省自然科学三等奖1项,沈阳市科技进步二等奖1项。主要从事土壤生态、土壤环境化学、土壤性质空间变异、土壤健康质量与农产品安全方面的研究工作。


1986.9-1990.7 沈阳农业大学土壤与农业化学专业学习,获农学学士学位

1992.9-1995.7 沈阳农业大学土壤学专业学习,获农学硕士学位

1999.9-2002.6 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所生态学专业学习(在职),于中国科学院研究生院获理学博士学位


1990.8-1992.8  河南省信阳县农业中心 土肥站 助理农艺师

1995.7-2002.6 沈阳市土肥站 副站长

2000.6-2000.12日本农业协作组织技术中心 合作研究

2002.7-2002.10 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 助理研究员

2002.10-2005.10 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 副研究员,硕士生导师

2005.11- 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 研究员

2009.5- 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 研究员 博士生导师











1. 主持,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)课题“典型区域主要养分循环特征及驱动机制”(2007CB109307,2007-2011)

2. 主持,国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重点项目子课题“集约化菜田资源节约与环境协调型生产模式优化研究”(2008BADA7B08,2008-2010)



1 外来杂草入侵的化学机制 王朋;梁文举;孔垂华;姜勇 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 2009



1. 姜勇,梁文举,王朋,张忠泽.利用维生素C发酵废渣生产的精制有机肥及其制备方法(专利号:ZL200410021484.4)

2. 姜勇,吕慧,汲勇,刘海涛,梁文举,张忠泽. 利用维生素C发酵超滤弃液生产的蛋白胨液体肥及其制备(专利号:ZL200410082826.3)

3. 梁文举,姜勇,于德清, 孟凡祥. 一种脲酶/硝化抑制剂组合型缓释尿素及其制备方法(专利号:ZL200410082840.3)








1. 武志杰, 梁文举, 姜勇(主编). 2005. 农产品安全生产原理与应用. 北京: 中国农业科技出版社.

2. 姜勇, 梁文举, 闻大中(著). 2003. 沈阳郊区农业土壤中微量元素. 北京:中国农业科技出版社.

3. 李喜宏, 许宇飞,陈丽,姜勇,张玉革,杨伟奇(编著). 2003. 果蔬营养诊断与矫治. 天津:天津科学技术出版社.


1. Li Q, Jiang Y, Lianga WJ, Lou YL, Zhang EP, Liang CH. 2010. Long-term effect of fertility management on the soil nematode community in vegetable production under greenhouse conditions. Applied Soil Ecology, (doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2010.06.016, in press)

2. Hao W, Li Q, Zhang JN, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2010. Utility of nematode Acrobeloides nanus for assessing subacute toxicity of heavy metals. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 164:273-278

3. Zhang LL, Wu ZJ, Jiang Y, Chen LJ, Song YC, Wang LC, Xie JH, Ma XZ. 2010. Fate of applied urea 15N in a soil-maize system as affected by urease inhibitor and nitrification inhibitor. Plant Soil & Environment, 55(1):.

4. Jiang Y, Zhang YG, Zhou D, Qin Y, Liang WJ. 2009. Profile distribution of micronutrients in an aquic brown soil as affected by land use. Plant Soil & Environment, 55(11): 468-476.

5. Tomar VVS, Zhang XK, Jiang Y, Li Q, Liang WJ. 2009. Distribution of soil nematode communities along a section of Shen-Ha Highway. Helminthologia, 46(4): 241-246.

6. Li Q, Jiang Y, Liang WJ, Hou XK, Jiang SW. 2009. Nematode Diversity in Phaeozem Agroecosystems of Northeast China. Pedosphere, 19(5): 597-605.

7. Wang SB, Li Q, Liang WJ, Jiang Y, Jiang SW. 2008. PCR-DGGE analysis of nematode diversity in Cu-contaminated soil. Pedosphere, 18(5): 621-627

8. Cao CY, Jiang DM, Teng XH, Jiang Y, Liang WJ, Cui ZB. 2008. Soil chemical and microbiological properties along an age sequence of Caragana microphylla Lam. plantations on the Horqin sandy land of Northeast China. Applied Soil Ecology, 40: 78-85 (II区)

9. Liu XM, Li Q, Liang WJ, Jiang Y. 2008. Distribution of soil enzyme activities and microbial biomass along a latitudinal gradient in farmland of songliao plain, Northeast China. Pedosphere, 18(4): 431-440

10. Li Q, Liang WJ, Jiang Y, Shi Y, Zhu JG, Neher DA. 2007. Effect of elevated CO2 and N fertilisation on soil nematode abundance and diversity in a wheat field. Applied Soil Ecology, 36(1): 63-69 (II区)

11. Liang WJ, Zhong S, Hua JF, Cao CY, Jinag Y. 2007. Nematode faunal response to grassland degradation in Horqin Sandy Land. Pedosphere, 17(5): 611-618.

12. Zhang WD, Wang XF, Li Q, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2007. Soil nematode responses to heavy metal stress. Helminthologia, 44 (2): 87-93.

13. Jiang DM, LI Q, Liu FM, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2007. Vertical distribution of soil nematodes in an age sequence of Caragana microphylla plantations in the Horqin Sandy Land, Northeast China. Ecological Research, 22(1): 49-56.

14. Meng FX, Ou W, Li Q, Jiang Y, Wen D Z. 2006. Vertical and seasonal fluctuations of nematode trophic groups as affected by land use. Pedosphere, 16(2): 169-176

15. Liu YJ, Hua JF, Jiang Y, Li Q, Wen DZ. 2006. Nematode communities in greenhouse soil of different ages from Shenyang suburb. Helminthologia, 43(1): 51-55

16. Li Q, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2006. Influence of heavy metals on soil nematode communities in the vicinity of a metallurgical factory. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 18(2): 323-328

17. Hua JF, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2006. Responses of nematode communities in a brown soil to urease and nitrification inhibitors - amended slow-release urea fertilizers. Pedosphere, 16(4): 428-434.

18. Zhang XK, Li Q, Wang SB, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2006. Effect of zinc addition in soil on nematode community structure. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 76: 589-594.

19. Jiang Y, Liang WJ, Wen DZ, Zhang YG, Chen WB. 2005. Spatial heterogeneity of DTPA-extractable zinc in cultivated soils induced by city pollution and land use. Science in China Series C, 48(Supp. I): 82-91.

20. Jiang Y, Zhang YG, Liang WJ, Li Q. 2005. Pedogenic and anthropogenic influence on calcium and magnesium behaviors in Stagnic Anthrosols. Pedosphere, 15(3): 341-346

21. Liang WJ, Li Q, Jiang Y, Neher DA. 2005. Nematode faunal analysis in an aquic brown soil fertilised with slow-release urea, Northeast China. Applied Soil Ecology, 29(2): 285-292 (II区)

22. Liang WJ, Jiang Y, Li Q, Liu YJ, Wen DZ. 2005. Spatial distribution of bacterivorous nematodes in a Chinese Ecological Research Network (CERN) site. Ecological Research, 20(4): 481-486

23. Liang WJ, Zhang XK, Li Q, Jiang Y, Ou W, Neher DA. 2005. Distribution of bacterivorous nematodes under different land uses. Journal of Nematology, 37(3): 254-258

24. Ou W, Liang WJ, Jiang Y, Li Q, Wen DZ. 2005. Vertical distribution of soil nematodes under differentland use types in an aquic brown soil. Pedobiologia, 49: 139-148

25. Wang P, Liang WJ, Kong CH, Jiang Y. 2005. Allelopathic potentials of volatile allelochemicals of Ambrosia trifida L. on other plants. Allelopathy Journal, 15(1): 131-136

26. Li Q, Liang WJ, Jiang Y, Zhu JG, Kong CH. 2005. Effect of free-air CO2 enrichment on nematode communities in a Chinese farmland ecosystem. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 17(1): 72-75.

27. Kong CH, Liang WJ, Hu F, Xu XH, Wang P, Jiang Y, Xing B. 2004. Allelochemicals and their transformations in Ageratum conyzoides intercropped Citrus Orchard soils. Plant and Soil, 264(1-2): 149-157 (II区)

28. Kong CH, Liang WJ, Xu XH, Hu F, Wang P, Jiang Y. 2004. Release and activity of allelochemicals from allelopathic rice seedlings. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(10): 2861-2865 (I区, Top Journal)

29. Kong CH, Hu F, Liang WJ, Wang P, Jiang Y. 2004. Allelopathic potential of Ageratum conyzoides at various growth stages in different habitats. Allelopathy Journal, 14(2): 233-240

30. Liang WJ, Li Q, Jiang Y, Chen WB, Wen DZ. 2003. The effect of cultivation on the spatial distribution of nematode trophic groups in black soil. Pedosphere, 13(2): 97-102


姜勇. 2002. 沈阳市郊耕地土壤有效态中微量元素分布特征 . 沈阳:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所(中国科学院研究生院).


姜勇.1995. 辽宁西安生态养殖模式有机物料养分循环与能量流动特征分析. 沈阳:沈阳农业大学.




1. 三种外来杂草胜红蓟、马樱丹和三裂叶豚草的化感作用研究. 2009. 辽宁省自然科学三等奖,排名第四。

2. 缓释尿素. 2006. 第六届辽宁省优秀新产品奖一等奖. 排名第五。

3. 应用盐溶蛋白电泳技术检验玉米种子纯度. 2001. 沈阳市科技进步奖(农村科技推广类), 二等奖, 排名第四。  









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